首页> 外文期刊>Palaeontology >Uberabatitan ribeiroi, a new titanosaur from the Marilia Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous), Minas Gerais, Brazil

Uberabatitan ribeiroi, a new titanosaur from the Marilia Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous), Minas Gerais, Brazil

机译:Uberabatitan ribeiroi,巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州马里利亚组(上白垩统鲍鲁集团)的一种新的恐龙

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A new Late Cretaceous titanosaur sauropod from the Bauru Basin of Brazil, Uberabatitan ribeiroi gen. et sp. nov., represented by at least three specimens, is described. The material comes from a level of coarse sandstone within the Serra da Galga sequence in Uberaba County, Minas Gerais State. The fossiliferous strata belong to the Marilia Formation (Serra da Galga Member), Bauru Group, considered to be Maastrichtian in age. The fossils occur in the uppermost levels of the above-mentioned unit; thus, Uberabatitan ribeiroi is the youngest titanosaur to have been recorded from the Bauru Basin. The autapomorphies that support the new species are: (1) anterior and mid-cervicals with postzygodiapophyseal lamina (podl) segmented in zygapophyseal and diapophyseal laminae, of which the first extends rostrodorsally over the second; (2) mid-dorsals with a robust lateral lamina formed mainly by a diapophyseal lamina (probably homologous to the postzygodiapophyseal lamina), and, to a lesser extent, by a relic of the spinodiapophyseal lamina (spdl); (3) mid (and probably posterior) dorsals with accessory neural laminae, which are lateral to the prespinal lamina, and probably homologous to the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae (sprl); (4) mid-caudal centra with deeply excavated lateral faces; (5) pubis very thick and robust, with a very stout longitudinal crest on its external (ventral) face; and (6) proximal end of the tibia with a prominent lateral protuberance, which articulates with an equally prominent medial knob of the fibula. The titanosaurian assemblage at Uberaba includes, apart from U. ribeiroi, well-preserved specimens assigned to species of uncertain affinities (Trigonosaurus pricei and Baurutitan britoi), as well as a few vertebrae assigned to aeolosaurines.
机译:来自巴西包鲁盆地的一种新的晚白垩纪钛龙类蜥脚类动物,Uberabatitan ribeiroi gen。等。描述了至少由三个样本代表的nov.。该材料来自米纳斯吉拉斯州Uberaba县Serra da Galga层序内的粗砂岩层。化石地层属于包鲁集团马里利亚组(塞拉达加尔加成员),在年龄上被认为是马斯特里赫特。化石出现在上述单元的最上层。因此,Uberabatitan ribeiroi是从包鲁盆地记录的最年轻的泰坦龙。支持该新物种的先天形态是:(1)前,后颈椎,中间有po骨后phy板(podl)分为骨和骨板,其中第一个延伸到第二个。 (2)背中部有坚固的外侧椎板,主要由po骨干椎板(可能与后dia骨干椎板同源)形成,并在较小程度上由脊椎dia骨干椎板(spdl)的遗迹形成; (3)背侧中层(可能是后部),带有副神经板,位于椎板前板的外侧,并可能与脊髓灰质ga板(sprl)同源。 (4)尾中中部,侧面深挖; (5)耻骨非常浓密而坚固,其外(腹)面具有非常粗壮的纵向c; (6)胫骨的近端具有突出的外侧隆起,其与腓骨的内侧突节同样突出。乌贝拉巴(Uberaba)的泰坦龙蜥蜴组合包括除肋骨罗勒(U. ribeiroi)外,保存完好的标本,这些标本分配给具有不确定亲和力的物种(Trigonosaurus pricei和Baurutitan britoi),还有一些椎骨用于风成龙。



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