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Site and seasonal influences on the fungal community on leaves and stems of Pinus and Quercus seedlings in forest nurseries


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Fungal assemblages present in nursery seedlings were surveyed, aimed to evaluate influences of site, season, host and plant part. Four sampling sites were selected; three of them were sampled twice, in spring and autumn. Needles/leaves and stems werecollected from five host species: Quercus ilex, Q. pyrenaica, Pinus pinea, P. nigra, and P. sylvestris and surface-sterilized with sodium hypochlorite. A total of 1557 fungal strains, pertaining to 59 'species' or morphological types, were recovered. Thedominant species, with higher isolation frequencies were Alternaria alternata complex, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Phoma sp., Clonostachys rosea, Ulocladium sp., Trichothecium roseum, Cytospora leucosperma, and Rhizopus sp. Median values of fungal species per observation differed significantly among the sites. The diversity of fungal species was significantly higher in the spring, and isolation frequencies for most of the dominant species were also dependent on the season, however the number of isolates per sampling was not influenced by the season. The results showed that the most frequent species (Alternaria alternata complex and Cladosporium cladosporioides) were associated with autumn observations, whereas higher frequencies of saprobic fungi (Aspergillus niger, Ulocladium sp. and Cytospora sp.) were found in spring.
机译:调查苗圃中存在的真菌组合,旨在评估位点,季节,寄主和植物部分的影响。选择了四个采样点;其中三个在春季和秋季采样了两次。从五种寄主物种中收集针/叶和茎:栎(Quercus ilex),pyr藜(Q.pyrenaica),松树(Pinus pinea),黑皮李(P. nigra)和樟子松(P. sylvestris),并用次氯酸钠进行表面灭菌。总共回收了1557株真菌菌株,涉及59种“物种”或形态学类型。分离频率较高的优势种有链格孢菌,克拉多孢菌,Phoma sp。,Ronostachys rosea,Ulocladium sp。,Trichothecium roseum,Cytospora leucosperma和Rhizopus sp。每次观察到的真菌种类的中位值在地点之间存在显着差异。在春季,真菌种类的多样性明显更高,大多数优势种的分离频率也取决于季节,但是每个采样的分离菌数量不受季节的影响。结果表明,最常见的物种(Alternaria alternata complex和Cladosporium cladosporioides)与秋季观测有关,而在春季发现了较高频率的腐生真菌(黑曲霉,Ulocladium sp。和Cytospora sp。)。



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