首页> 外文期刊>Palaeontology >A new species of Azendohsaurus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Triassic Isalo Group of southwestern Madagascar: Cranium and mandible

A new species of Azendohsaurus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Triassic Isalo Group of southwestern Madagascar: Cranium and mandible


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Here, we describe a new species of Azendohsaurus from the Middle-Late Triassic of Madagascar, extending the geographical range of a taxon known otherwise only by a single species from Morocco. Although Azendohsaurus has consistently been regarded as an early dinosaur (based on various advanced dental and gnathic features resembling those characterizing certain dinosaur subgroups), the relatively complete skeletal material, now available from Madagascar, argues strongly against its dinosaurian affinities. Rather, the retention of numerous primitive cranial and postcranial features indicates a surprisingly early divergence of Azendohsaurus within Archosauromorpha and an unusual mosaic of characters in this taxon. Features considered diagnostic of Sauropodomorpha thus are inferred to occur homoplastically in at least one clade of nondinosaurian archosauromorphs, indicating a complex evolution and distribution of features traditionally thought to be derived within archosaurs. Azendohsaurus has teeth resembling those of both early sauropodomorph and ornithischian dinosaurs, yet also possesses numerous inarguable basal archosauromorph cranial and postcranial attributes. This highlights the risk of uncritically referring isolated, Middle-Late Triassic (or even later), 'leaf-shaped' teeth with denticles to the Dinosauria. Similarly, the occurrence of such teeth in an early diverging archosauromorph indicates that specializations for herbivory originated more frequently within this clade than conventionally assumed. For example, Azendohsaurus and numerous basal sauropodomorph dinosaur taxa share an array of convergently acquired features associated with herbivory, including tooth denticles, expanded tooth crowns, a downturned dentary and the articular located at the ventral margin of the mandible. Some of these features (denticles, expanded crowns and the ventrally deflected articular) are even more widespread among archosauromorphs, including aetosaurs, silesaurs and ornithischian dinosaurs. A downturned dentary also occurs in Trilophosaurus, a taxon further marked by unique specializations for herbivory, including transversely lophate, tricuspid teeth. An array of features associated with herbivory also occurs in rhynchosaurs and certain crocodilians (e.g. Simosuchus). This distribution suggests that craniodental features associated with herbivory were much more pervasive across the archosauromorph clade than previously recognized, possibly evolving at least six to eight times independently.
机译:在这里,我们描述了来自马达加斯加中晚三叠纪的一种新的Azendohsaurus物种,扩大了仅由摩洛哥的一个物种才能知道的分类单元的地理范围。尽管一直以来认为Azendohsaurus是一种早期的恐龙(基于类似于某些恐龙亚组的各种先进的牙齿和咬齿特征),但现在可以从马达加斯加获得的相对完整的骨骼材料强烈反对其恐龙亲和力。相反,保留了许多原始的颅骨和颅后特征表明,弓形目中的古龙在早期出现了惊人的分歧,并且在这个分类群中出现了异常的字符镶嵌。因此,据认为诊断为蜥脚类目的特征至少在非恐龙类弓形类的一个进化枝中发生同形发生,这表明传统上认为是在弓形类中衍生的特征的复杂演变和分布。 Azendohsaurus的牙齿类似于早期的sauropodomorph和鸟嘴兽的牙齿,但也具有无可辩驳的基础archosauromorph颅和颅后属性。这突显了危险地将孤立的,具齿状的中晚期三叠纪(甚至更晚)的带有叶子的“叶形”牙齿引至恐龙的风险。同样,这种牙齿在早期发散的archosauromorph中的出现表明,食草的专业化在该进化枝中比传统上假设的更为频繁。例如,Azendohsaurus和许多基础的sauropodomorph恐龙类群共享与草食动物相关的一系列融合获得的特征,包括牙齿细齿,扩张的牙冠,下倾的齿和位于下颌骨腹缘的关节。这些特征中的一些特征(齿状,冠状冠和腹侧偏斜关节)在弓龙类动物中更为普遍,包括甲龙,剑龙和鸟眼恐龙。齿状隆起也发生在齿状隆毛中,这是一个分类群,其特征还在于草食的独特专长,包括横齿状,三尖齿状。与食草动物相关的一系列特征也出现在菱形龙和某些鳄鱼(例如Simosuchus)中。这种分布表明,与食草动物相关的颅齿特征比以前认识到的更遍及整个弓龙类进化支,可能至少进化了六到八次。



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