首页> 外文期刊>Palaios: An International Journal of the Society of Economic Paleontologists & Mineralogists >Bivalve borings in phosphatic coprolites and bone, cretaceous-paleogene, northeastern Mali

Bivalve borings in phosphatic coprolites and bone, cretaceous-paleogene, northeastern Mali


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Bivalve borings are described for the first time in coprolites. They occur along with bored bone from Cretaceous through Eocene phosphatic conglomerates in the Taoudeni and Iul-lemmeden Basins of northeastern Mali. Coprolites are extensively penetrated by flask-shaped borings (Gastrochaenolites): the oldest known occurrence of the ichnospecies G. ornatus preserves mechanical scratch traces at the base of some early Eocene coprolite borings. The alleged tracemaker, a pholad bivalve of the Subfamily Martesiinae, is preserved as an external mold in one of the early Eocene coprolites. It is the first occurrence of rock-borers in this subfamily from the Paleocene of West Africa. Bored coprolites were very firm to fully lithified (paleocoprolites) when bored by the pholads, indicating early-diagenetic phosphogenesis of the clasts. The intense and repeated bioerosion of coprolites and bone by pholads suggests a long residence time in shallow-marine waters for the clasts. Therefore, the vertebrate fossil assemblages in these Mali conglomerates are considered highly time-averaged. Recognition of Gastrochaenolites borings in vertebrate remains provides useful taphonomic and paleoenvironmental information, despite their destructive impact on the fossils.
机译:双壳类无聊首次在coprolites中描述。它们与白垩纪无聊的骨骼一起通过马里东北部的陶德尼和伊尔-莱梅登盆地的始新世磷酸砾岩发生。共prolites被烧瓶状钻孔(Gastrochaenolites)广泛渗透:最古老的鱼类物种G. ornatus出现在早期始新世coprolite钻孔的底部保留了机械刮痕。据称是示踪剂,是Martesinainae亚科的卵状双壳类动物,被保存为早期始新世共prolites的外部霉菌。这是西非古新世的第一个子家族中的钻bor。无聊的proprolites非常硬至完全石化(古铜镁石)时,被磷灰石钻孔,表明碎屑的早期成岩作用。磷虾对腐殖质和骨骼的强烈而反复的生物侵蚀表明,这些碎屑在浅海水中的停留时间较长。因此,这些马里大集团中的脊椎动物化石集合被认为具有很高的时间平均性。尽管它们对化石具有破坏性影响,但对脊椎动物遗体中的天麻石钻孔的识别提供了有用的有关植物学和古环境的信息。



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