首页> 外文期刊>Palaeoworld >Kalania pusilla, an exceptionally preserved non-calcified alga from the lower Silurian (Aeronian, Llandovery) of Estonia

Kalania pusilla, an exceptionally preserved non-calcified alga from the lower Silurian (Aeronian, Llandovery) of Estonia

机译:Kalania pusilla,来自爱沙尼亚下志留纪(艾露伦河,兰迪奥弗里省)下部的非钙化藻类,保存得特别好

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A Silurian (Llandovery, Aeronian) Lagerstatte in Kalana, Estonia, has revealed exceptionally preserved noncalcified flora of algal fossils. A new dasycladacean algal species Kalania pusilla has been described. The paper describes the fossil specimens, which demonstrate well preserved fine internal anatomy of these siphonous unicellular algae, specifically anatomy of fertile specimens. Kalania pusilla is characterized by cylindrical uniaxial thallus, two orders of lateral segments - perpendicularly arranged whorls of short bulbous primary laterals, which bear clusters of gametophores in their mature stage and fine hairy secondary laterals. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. All rights reserved.
机译:爱沙尼亚卡拉纳的志留系(Llandovery,Aeronian)Lagerstatte发现了异常保存的藻化石非钙化菌群。已经描述了一种新的达克克拉斯藻藻种Kalania pusilla。该论文描述了化石标本,这些标本展示了这些虹吸单细胞藻类保存完好的精细内部解剖结构,特别是可育标本的解剖结构。 Kalania脓疱的特征是圆柱状单轴丘状体,两个侧向节段-垂直排列的短球状初级侧缘的轮生,在其成熟阶段带有成群的配子体和细毛的次级侧生。 (C)2014年Elsevier B.V.和中科院南京地质与古生物研究所。版权所有。



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