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Treasure with blood: On the discovery of Traumatocrinus (Echinodermata, Triassic) crowns in China


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A team of three paleontologists led by the important Triassic worker Te-You Hsu were killed in Guizhou during a field mapping project in 1944. A.T. Mu studied Hsu's crinoid collection and named a new species Traumatocrinus hsui after him in 1949. The first edition of crinoid Treatise did not acknowledge Mu's work and placed Traumatocrinus as junior synonym of Encrinus. However, it is now regarded as a valid taxon in the new edition published in 2011. During this study, original specimens reported by Mu were re-examined. Among them, 21 specimens survived to this day, and the rest of specimens mentioned in Mu were lost during the Second World War. The collection is illustrated with modern standards for the first time. Despite the hard working conditions endured by the Chinese workers during and shortly after the Second World War, this collection, including eleven slabs of crowns, one cup, eight columnals, and one holdfast curated in Nanjing, is the basis for family Traumatocrinidae. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. All rights reserved.
机译:在1944年的一次野外测绘项目中,由三叠纪重要工人徐特友(Te-You Hsu)领导的由三名古生物学家组成的小组在贵州被杀害。 Mu研究了Hsu的crinoid集合,并于1949年以他的名字命名了一个新的Traumatocrinus sui。但是,在2011年出版的新版本中,它现在被视为有效的分类单元。在这项研究中,对Mu报告的原始标本进行了重新检查。其中有21具标本保存至今,第二次世界大战期间遗失了Mu提到的其他标本。该系列首次以现代标准展示。尽管在第二次世界大战期间和战后不久中国工人忍受了艰苦的工作条件,但该收藏品(包括11块大板皇冠,1个杯子,8个圆柱柱和1个在南京精心策划的藏品)是家庭创伤科的基础。 (C)2014年Elsevier B.V.和中科院南京地质与古生物研究所。版权所有。



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