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Delirium in advanced cancer patients.


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Delirium in advanced cancer is often poorly identified and inappropriately managed. It is one of the most common causes for admission to clinical institutions and is the most frequently cited psychiatric disorder in terminal cancer. Diagnosis of delirium is defined as a disturbance of consciousness and attention with a change in cognition and/or perception. In addition, it develops suddenly and follows a fluctuating course and it is related to other causes, such as cancer, metabolic disorders or the effects of drugs. Delirium occurs in 26% to 44% of cancer patients admitted to hospital or hospice. Of all advanced cancer patients, over 80% eventually experience delirium in their final days. In advanced cancer, delirium is a multifactorial syndrome where opioids factor in almost 60% of episodes. Delirium in such patients, excluding terminal delirium, may be reversible in 50% of cases. Providing adequate end-of-life care for a patient with delirium is the main challenge. The family needs advice and it is important to create a relaxing environment for the patient. The primary therapeutic approach is to identify the reversible causes of delirium. Some therapeutic strategies have been shown to be effective: reduction or withdrawal of the psychoactive medication, opioid rotation, and hydration. Haloperidol is the most frequently used drug, and new neuroleptics such as risperidone or olanzapine are being tested with good results. Methylphenidate has been used for hypoactive delirium.
机译:晚期癌症中的妄通常难以识别,管理不当。它是进入临床机构的最常见原因之一,并且是晚期癌症中最常引用的精神病。 ir妄的诊断被定义为意识和注意力的紊乱以及认知和/或感知的变化。另外,它突然发展并遵循波动过程,并且与其他原因有关,例如癌症,代谢紊乱或药物作用。入院或临终关怀的癌症患者中有26%至44%发生妄。在所有晚期癌症患者中,超过80%的患者最终会在最后几天出现del妄。在晚期癌症中,del妄是多因素综合症,其中阿片类药物占发作的60%。除终末del妄外,此类患者中的妄在50%的病例中可能是可逆的。为del妄患者提供足够的生命终结护理是主要挑战。家庭需要咨询,为患者创造一个放松的环境很重要。主要的治疗方法是确定del妄的可逆原因。一些治疗策略已被证明是有效的:减少或停用精神活性药物,阿片类药物旋转和水合作用。氟哌啶醇是最常用的药物,正在测试新的抗精神病药,如利培酮或奥氮平,效果良好。哌醋甲酯已被用于活跃性del妄。



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