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A curated and evolving linguistic linked dataset


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This paper describes the Atlante Sintattico d'Italia, Syntactic Atlas of Italy (ASIt) linguistic linked dataset. ASIt is a scientific project aiming to account for minimally different variants within a sample of closely related languages; it is part of the Edisyn network, the goal of which is to establish a European network of researchers in the area of language syntax that use similar standards with respect to methodology of data collection, data storage and annotation, data retrieval and cartography. In this context, ASIt is defined as a curated database which builds on dialectal data gathered during a twenty-year-long survey investigating the distribution of several grammatical phenomena across the dialects of Italy. Both the ASIt linguistic linked dataset and the Resource Description Framework Schema (RDF/S) on which it is based are publicly available and released with a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). We report the characteristics of the data exposed by ASIt, the statistics about the evolution of the data in the last two years, and the possible usages of the dataset, such as the generation of linguistic maps.
机译:本文介绍了意大利的Synatactic Atlas(ASIt)语言链接数据集Atlante Sintattico d'Italia。 ASIt是一个科学项目,旨在在紧密相关的语言样本中考虑最小的差异。它是Edisyn网络的一部分,其目的是建立一个语言语法领域的欧洲研究人员网络,该网络在数据收集,数据存储和注释,数据检索和制图方法上使用类似的标准。在这种情况下,ASIt被定义为一个经过整理的数据库,该数据库建立在一项为期20年的调查中收集的方言数据之上,该调查调查了意大利方言中几种语法现象的分布。 ASIt语言链接数据集和它所基于的资源描述框架纲要(RDF / S)都是公开可用的,并以知识共享许可(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)发布。我们报告了ASIt公开的数据的特征,过去两年中数据演变的统计数据以及数据集的可能用途,例如语言地图的生成。



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