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The World's Most Cared-for Elephant


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Many Japanese know of the Asian elephant Hanako. She arrived in Japan from Thailand in September 1949, the first elephant to be brought to Japan after World War II, when the country still bore the scars of the war. Huge numbers of people thronged Ueno Zoo every day to catch a glimpse of Hanako, who was then 2 years old. Four years after the end of the war, her arrival marked the return of people to the zoo in large numbers. Later, together with other smaller animals, Hanako toured Tokyo as part ofa traveling zoo. Not long after, citizens living near Tokyo Metropolitan Inokashira Shizen Bunka-en Gardens (straddling Musashino and Mitaka cities) asked that Hanako be given a home in their zoo in the park. Their request was granted.
机译:许多日本人都知道亚洲象花子。她于1949年9月从泰国抵达日本,这是第二次世界大战后第一只被带到日本的大象,当时该国仍然充满战争的伤痕。每天都有大量的人涌向上野动物园,以瞥见当时2岁的花子(Hanako)。战争结束四年后,她的到来标志着人们大量返回动物园。后来,花子与其他较小的动物一起作为旅行动物园的一部分游览了东京。不久后,居住在东京都井之头Shizen Bunka-en Gardens(横跨武藏野和三鹰市)附近的市民要求在他们的公园动物园里给Hanako住所。他们的要求被批准。



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