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Under treatment of pain: A prescription for opioid misuse among the elderly?


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Objective: To examine the demographic, physical, and mental health characteristics; current drug use patterns; motivations for use; and diversion sources among elderly prescription opioid misusers. Design: Mixed methods design. Setting: Research field offices, or senior or community center offices in South Florida. Subjects: Individuals aged 60 and over reporting past 90-day prescription medication misuse; only prescription opioid misusers (N=88) were included in the final analysis. Methods: The Global Appraisal of Individual Needs was the main survey instrument. A subsample of elderly reporting substantial prescription drug misuse were chosen for the in-depth interview (N=30). Results: The mean age was 63.3. Fifty percent reported ever being admitted to a drug treatment program; several endorsed recent illicit drug use: powder cocaine and/or crack (35.2%), marijuana (30.7%), heroin (14.8%). The majority reported past year severe physical pain and discomfort (86.4%), and misuse of their primary opioid for pain (80.7%); over half (52.3%) obtained their primary opioid from their regular doctor. Qualitative data highlight the misuse of prescription opioids due to untreated or undertreated pain. Participants with primary opioid misuse for pain had over 12 times higher odds of obtaining the medication from their regular doctor (odds ratio [OR]=12.22, P=0.002) and had lower odds of using a dealer (OR=0.20, P=0.005). Conclusions: Findings suggest that this group of elderly participants often misuse their own prescriptions for pain management. This study highlights the need to educate prescribing professionals on appropriate pain management for older adults while still being sensitive to issues of substance abuse and dependence.
机译:目的:研究人口,身体和心理健康特征;当前的毒品使用方式;使用动机;和老年人处方阿片类药物滥用者的转移来源。设计:混合方法设计。地点:位于南佛罗里达的研究现场办公室或高级或社区中心办公室。受试者:60岁及以上的个人报告过去90天滥用处方药;最终分析中仅包括处方阿片类药物滥用者(N = 88)。方法:个人需求的全球评估是主要的调查工具。选择了一次报告大量处方药滥用的老年人亚样本进行深度访谈(N = 30)。结果:平均年龄为63.3。据报告有50%曾经接受过药物治疗计划;最近批准的几种非法药物使用:可卡因和/或可卡因(35.2%),大麻(30.7%),海洛因(14.8%)。大多数人在过去一年中报告严重的身体疼痛和不适(86.4%),以及滥用他们的主要阿片类药物治疗疼痛(80.7%);超过一半(52.3%)的人是从正规医​​生那里获得的阿片类药物。定性数据突出了由于未治疗或未充分治疗的疼痛而滥用处方阿片类药物的情况。患有原发性阿片类药物滥用而导致疼痛的参与者从正规医生那里获得药物的几率高出12倍(几率[OR] = 12.22,P = 0.002),而使用经销商的几率更低(OR = 0.20,P = 0.005) )。结论:研究结果表明,这组老年参与者经常滥用自己的处方来治疗疼痛。这项研究强调需要对开处方的专业人员进行适当的疼痛治疗教育,同时仍然对药物滥用和依赖性问题保持敏感。



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