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Ten Tips for Driving Business Into your Store


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This isn't your typical "Top 10" list. While there are plenty of ideas available for driving customers to a store, not all are applicable to the decorating industry. But some (like "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chik-fil-A restaurants) sure are fun!This list isn't going to count down to the No. 1 idea—the creme de la creme that will change your business forever. That idea doesn't exist, because every business is different. Each location is unique. Each store has good (and some not so good) points. So, what works for a store in Maine might not work for one in Illinois. And what doesn't work for a store in California might be a booming success in Canada.
机译:这不是您通常的“前10名”列表。尽管有很多想法可以吸引客户到商店,但并非所有想法都适用于装饰行业。但是有些(例如Chik-fil-A餐馆的“ Cow Appreciation Day”)肯定很有趣!此清单不会被倒数第一的想法-这种将永远改变您的生意的焦糖奶油。这个想法并不存在,因为每个业务都是不同的。每个位置都是唯一的。每个商店都有好点(有些不好)。因此,对缅因州一家商店有效的方法可能不适用于伊利诺伊州的一家商店。对于加利福尼亚的商店来说,什么都不行可能在加拿大取得了飞速的成功。



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