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Gender is a confounding factor in pain trials: women report more pain than men after arthroscopic surgery.


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A gender difference in the incidence of acute pain may be a confounder in analgesic trials. We have tested the hypothesis that the incidence of acute pain after knee arthroscopic procedures is greater in women than men. We performed three RCTs on intra-articular analgesics in which no postoperative analgesia was given until the need for such treatment was documented by scoring moderate-to-severe pain on a verbal rating scale (VRS 0-4; n=219), and a 0-100 mm visual analogue pain scale (VAS) within 2 h postoperatively. All trials were performed with an intra-articular catheter technique. The design allowed us to study the natural course of pain after arthroscopic surgery until analgesia was required. Women reported more pain of at least moderate intensity than men (84 vs 57%; P<0.0001), indicating that being female is a risk factor for early postoperative pain (RR 1.47, 95% confidence interval from 1.23 to 1.74). The VAS score corresponding to moderate and severe pain is similar in men and women. Only short acting anaesthetics were given in order to minimise carry-over effects. Since previous trials on arthroscopic analgesics neither measured baseline pain nor stratified for gender, a difference between treatment groups could result from an uneven distribution regarding these factors. Our findings have major implications for the interpretation of previously published trials on intra-articular analgesia.
机译:急性疼痛发生率的性别差异可能是止痛试验中的混杂因素。我们已经验证了以下假说:女性的膝关节镜手术后急性疼痛的发生率高于男性。我们对关节内镇痛剂进行了3次RCT,其中在通过口头评定量表(VRS 0-4; n = 219)评分中度至重度疼痛记录了对这种治疗的需要之前,没有给予术后镇痛。术后2小时内0-100 mm视觉模拟疼痛量表(VAS)。所有试验均采用关节内导管技术进行。该设计使我们能够研究关节镜手术后直至需要镇痛的自然疼痛过程。女性报告的中度疼痛程度高于男性(84 vs 57%; P <0.0001),表明女性是术后早期疼痛的危险因素(RR 1.47,95%置信区间从1.23至1.74)。男性和女性对应于中度和重度疼痛的VAS评分相似。为了使残留效应最小,仅给予短效麻醉药。由于先前的关节镜镇痛药试验既未测量基线疼痛也未按性别分层,因此治疗组之间的差异可能是由于这些因素的分布不均造成的。我们的发现对先前发表的关节内镇痛试验的解释具有重要意义。



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