首页> 外文期刊>Pancreatology: official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.] >Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the pancreas. A case report of an extremely rare tumor.

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the pancreas. A case report of an extremely rare tumor.


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Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of the pancreas is extremely rare. Although the diagnosis of PNET is suggested by the light microscopic appearance of the tumor, it should be confirmed by the immunohistochemical evaluation of the c-myc expression and if possible, further determination of the particular chromosome translocation, t(11;22)(q24,q12). In this report, we present a male patient with pancreatic PPNET who had been followed up for 50 months. The related literature is also reviewed. In our case, the pathologic diagnosis was based on the positive immunoreactivity for CD99 in many of the tumor cells. The complementary cytogenetic studies were not possible in the private setting of the patient's treatment. The patient was 31 years old when first operated. Within 4 months of the first operation he had local recurrence. In the third year of his follow-up he had been discovered to have pulmonary metastases and another metastatic tumor in his lung was diagnosed the year after. The metastatic foci were primarily treated by surgical resections. He had chemotherapy after each resection of pulmonary metastatic foci. After 50 months of the initial surgical intervention, he succumbed to widespread thoracic and bone metastases. Because of the extreme rarity of PPNET in the pancreas, and its rather protracted course, we think our case may further contribute to the ever expanding database for this particular entity.
机译:胰腺的原始神经外胚层肿瘤(PNET)非常罕见。尽管通过肿瘤的光学显微镜检查可以诊断出PNET,但应通过c-myc表达的免疫组织化学评估以及可能的话进一步确定特定染色体易位t(11; 22)(q24)来证实,q12)。在本报告中,我们介绍了一名男性胰腺PPNET患者,并对其进行了50个月的随访。还回顾了相关文献。在我们的病例中,病理诊断是基于许多肿瘤细胞中CD99的阳性免疫反应性。在患者治疗的私人环境中不可能进行补充的细胞遗传学研究。初次手术时患者为31岁。第一次手术后4个月内,他局部复发。在随访的第三年,他被发现患有肺转移,并于次年被诊断出肺部转移性肿瘤。转移灶主要通过手术切除治疗。每次切除肺转移灶后他都接受了化疗。经过最初的手术干预50个月后,他屈服于广泛的胸腔和骨转移灶。由于PPNET在胰腺中极为罕见,而且其病程很长,我们认为我们的案例可能会进一步促进该特定实体数据库的不断扩展。



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