首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Botany >Phylogenetic Analysis and Evolutionary Diversification of Heliotropium Sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae) in the Atacama Desert.

Phylogenetic Analysis and Evolutionary Diversification of Heliotropium Sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae) in the Atacama Desert.

机译:lio虫科的系统发育分析和进化多样性。 Cochranea(Heliotropiaceae)在阿塔卡马沙漠。

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Heliotrapium sect. Cochranea (Heliotropiaceae) consists of 19 species endemic to the coastal Atacama Desert of Chile and Peru. This section has one of the most restricted geographic distributions and is the largest among the South American sections of Heliotropium. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of a total of 92 species using nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast ndhF, rpsl6, and trnL-trnF sequences, and estimated the divergence times of major lineages of the group. Our results suggest that Heliotropium sect. Cochranea is monophyletic. There are two main well-supported lineages within the section: one is H. pycnophyllum, which is sister to rest of the species in the section. Within this second lineage, H. filifolium, H. glutinosum, H. krauseanum, and a large polytomous group composed of 15 species form a tetratomy. The age estimates using the penalized likelihood method suggests a minimum age of 14.0 pl 2.0 My for section Cochranea, and 4.6 pl 0.9 My for the large polytomous group within it. Heliotropium sect. Cochranea may have originated in the Miocene during the major uplift of the Andes, and then radiated in the Pliocene in the Atacama Desert.
机译:Heliotrapium教派。 Cochranea(Heliotropiaceae)由智利和秘鲁沿海阿塔卡马沙漠特有的19种物种组成。该区域是地理分布最受限制的区域之一,在南美日光藻属区域中是最大的。我们使用核糖体ITS和叶绿体ndhF,rpsl6和trnL-trnF序列对总共92种进行了系统发育分析,并估算了该组主要谱系的发散时间。我们的研究结果表明,Heliotropium教派。耳蜗是单系的。该节中有两个主要的,受支持的血统:一个是H. pycnophyllum,它是该节中其余物种的姐妹。在这第二个世系中,丝状线虫,谷氨酸线虫,krausanum线虫和由15个物种组成的大型多义团形成了一个四边形。使用惩罚似然法估算的年龄表明,Cochranea切片的最低年龄为14.0 pl 2.0 My,而其中较大的多角型人群的最低年龄为4.6 pl 0.9 My。日光菌属。 Cochranea可能起源于安第斯山脉的主要隆升过程中的中新世,然后辐射到阿塔卡马沙漠的上新世。



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