首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Biology >The value of idiosyncratic markers and changes to conserved tRNA sequences from the mitochondrial genome of hard ticks (Acari : Ixodida : Ixodidae) for phylogenetic inference

The value of idiosyncratic markers and changes to conserved tRNA sequences from the mitochondrial genome of hard ticks (Acari : Ixodida : Ixodidae) for phylogenetic inference


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Idiosyncratic markers are features of genes and genomes that are so unusual that it is unlikely that they evolved more than once in a lineage of organisms. Here we explore further the potential of idiosyncratic markers and changes to typically conserved tRNA sequences for phylogenetic inference. Hard ticks were chosen as the model group because their phylogeny has been studied extensively. Fifty-eight candidate markers from hard ticks ( family Ixodidae) and 22 markers from the subfamily Rhipicephalinae sensu lato were mapped onto phylogenies of these groups. Two of the most interesting markers, features of the secondary structure of two different tRNAs, gave strong support to the hypothesis that species of the Prostriata ( Ixodes spp.) are monophyletic. Previous analyses of genes and morphology did not strongly support this relationship, instead suggesting that the Prostriata is paraphyletic with respect to the Metastriata ( the rest of the hard ticks). Parallel or convergent evolution was not found in the arrangements of mitochondrial genes in ticks nor were there any reversals to the ancestral arthropod character state. Many of the markers identified were phylogenetically informative, whereas others should be informative with study of additional taxa. Idiosyncratic markers and changes to typically conserved nucleotides in tRNAs that are phylogenetically informative were common in this data set, and thus these types of markers might be found in other organisms.
机译:异质标记是基因和基因组的特征,它们非常不寻常,以致它们不太可能在生物谱系中多次进化。在这里,我们进一步探索特异标记的潜力和系统保守推断通常保守的tRNA序列的变化。选择硬壁虱作为模型组是因为对它们的系统发育进行了广泛的研究。来自硬壁虱(I科)的58个候选标记和来自Rhipicephalinae sensu lato亚科的22个标记被定位到这些组的系统发育上。两个最有趣的标记,即两个不同tRNA二级结构的特征,为Prostriata(Ixodes spp。)种是单系种这一假说提供了有力的支持。先前对基因和形态的分析并没有强烈支持这种关系,而是表明Prostriata与Metastriata(其余的硬壁虱)有关。 tick的线粒体基因排列中未发现平行或会聚的进化,祖先节肢动物的性状也没有任何逆转。鉴定出的许多标记物在系统发育上具有信息学意义,而其他标记物在研究其他分类群时应具有信息学意义。特异标记和系统信息学上tRNA中典型保守核苷酸的变化在该数据集中很常见,因此这些标记类型可能在其他生物中发现。



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