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Efficiency of invasive mechanical ventilation during sleep in Duchenne muscular dystrophy


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Objective: Inspiratory unintentional leaks (IULs) during noninvasive ventilation (NIV) adversely affect the sleep and the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation (MV). The aim of this study was to assess the effects of nocturnal IULs in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients with a tracheostomy and uncuffed tube comparatively with NIV patients. Methods: Polysomnography with transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PtcCO 2) recording and blood gas measurement was performed in 26 stable tracheostomized DMD patients using home MV, among whom 11 were matched with NIV patients. Results: IULs occurred during 29.4% [1.7-61.9%] (median [IQR]) of the total sleep time. By univariate regression analysis, the closest correlation with IUL duration was for daytime base excess (r 2=0.69, P0.0001), followed by daytime bicarbonate level. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, only base excess remained significantly correlated. Sleep and respiratory parameters improved in the four patients who agreed to use cuffed tubes. Tracheostomized patients had lower maximal PtcCO 2 (P=0.02) and base excess values (P=0.045) compared to NIV controls. Conclusion: Tracheostomy does not guarantee that MV is effective during sleep, as IULs may occur, but ensures better nocturnal gas exchanges than NIV. DMD patients should be evaluated using at least blood gas measurement, nocturnal oximetry, and PtcCO 2 monitoring.
机译:目的:无创通气(NIV)期间的吸入性意外泄漏(IUL)会对睡眠和机械通气(MV)的有效性产生不利影响。这项研究的目的是评估夜间IULs与NIV患者相比,在气管切开术和无袖导管的Duchenne肌营养不良(DMD)患者中的作用。方法:对26例稳定的经气管切开的DMD患者使用家庭MV进行多导睡眠监测,并记录经皮二氧化碳分压(PtcCO 2)和血气,其中11例与NIV患者匹配。结果:IUL发生在总睡眠时间的29.4%[1.7-61.9%](中位[IQR])期间。通过单变量回归分析,与IUL持续时间最密切相关的是白天基础过量(r 2 = 0.69,P <0.0001),其次是白天碳酸氢盐水平。在逐步多元回归分析中,仅碱基过量保持显着相关。四名同意使用袖带管的患者的睡眠和呼吸参数得到改善。与NIV对照相比,气管切开术的患者的最大PtcCO 2(P = 0.02)和基础过剩值(P = 0.045)较低。结论:气管切开术不能保证MV在睡眠期间是有效的,因为可能会发生IUL,但是与NIV相比,它可以确保更好的夜间气体交换。应至少使用血气测量,夜间血氧饱和度和PtcCO 2监测对DMD患者进行评估。



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