首页> 外文期刊>Sleep medicine >Role of cardiorespiratory synchronization and sleep physiology: effects on membrane potential in the restorative functions of sleep.

Role of cardiorespiratory synchronization and sleep physiology: effects on membrane potential in the restorative functions of sleep.


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Although sleep physiology has been extensively studied, many of the cellular processes that occur during sleep and the functional significance of sleep remain unclear. The degree of cardiorespiratory synchronization during sleep increases during the progression of slow-wave sleep (SWS). Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity also assumes a pattern that correlates with the progression of sleep. The ANS is an integral part of physiologic processes that occur during sleep with the respective contribution of parasympathetic and sympathetic activity varying between different sleep stages. In our paper, we attempt to unify the activities of various physiologic systems, namely the cardiac, respiratory, ANS and brain, during sleep into a consolidated picture with particular attention to the membrane potential of neurons. In our unified model, we explore the potential of sleep to promote restorative processes in the brain.
机译:尽管已经广泛研究了睡眠生理学,但是在睡眠过程中发生的许多细胞过程以及睡眠的功能意义仍不清楚。睡眠期间心肺同步程度在慢波睡眠(SWS)进程中会增加。自主神经系统(ANS)的活动也呈现出与睡眠进程相关的模式。 ANS是睡眠期间发生的生理过程的组成部分,副交感和交感活动的各自贡献在不同的睡眠阶段之间变化。在我们的论文中,我们试图将睡眠期间各种生理系统(即心脏,呼吸系统,ANS和大脑)的活动统一为一个综合图片,并特别注意神经元的膜电位。在我们的统一模型中,我们探索了睡眠促进大脑修复过程的潜力。



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