首页> 外文期刊>Sleep & breathing =: Schlaf & Atmung >Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: prevalence and predictors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: prevalence and predictors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.


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Patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) have a lower quality of life, more healthcare expenses, a greater risk of pulmonary hypertension, and a higher mortality compared to eucapnic patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Despite significant morbidity and mortality associated with OHS, it is often unrecognized and treatment is frequently delayed. The objective of this observational study was to determine the prevalence of OHS in patients with OSA seen at the sleep disorders clinic of a large public urban hospital serving predominantly minority population and to identify clinical-not mechanistic-predictors that should prompt clinicians to measure arterial blood gases. In the first stage, we randomly selected 180 patients referred to our sleep disorders clinic between 2000 and 2004 for suspicion of OSA. From this retrospective random sample we calculated the prevalence of OHS in patients with OSA and identified independent clinical predictors using logistic regression. In the second stage, we prospectively validated these predictors in a sample of 410 consecutive patients referred to the sleep disorders clinic for suspicion of OSA between 2005 and 2006. The prevalence of OHS in patients with OSA was 30% in the retrospective random sample and 20% in the prospective sample. Three variables independently predicted OHS in both samples: serum bicarbonate level (p < 0.001), apnea-hypopnea index (p = 0.006), and lowest oxygen saturation during sleep (p < 0.001). Due to the serious morbidity associated with OHS, we selected a highly sensitive threshold of serum bicarbonate level. A threshold of 27 mEq/l had a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 50%. Only 3% of patients with a serum bicarbonate level <27 mEq/l had hypercapnia compared to 50% with a serum bicarbonate >/=27 mEq/l. In conclusion, OHS is common in severe OSA. A normal serum bicarbonate level excludes hypercapnia and an elevated serum bicarbonate level should prompt clinicians to measure arterial blood gases.
机译:与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)的正常人相比,肥胖通气不足综合征(OHS)患者的生活质量较低,医疗保健费用更高,发生肺动脉高压的风险更高,死亡率更高。尽管与OHS相关的发病率和死亡率显着,但它常常未被认识,并且治疗常常被延迟。这项观察性研究的目的是确定在一家主要服务于少数族裔人口的大型城市公立医院的睡眠障碍诊所中发现的OSA患者中OHS的患病率,并确定应促使临床医生测量动脉血的临床而非机械预测因子气体。在第一阶段,我们从2000年至2004年之间随机选择了180例转诊至睡眠障碍诊所的患者,怀疑他们患有OSA。从该回顾性随机样本中,我们计算了OSA患者中OHS的患病率,并使用Logistic回归确定了独立的临床预测指标。在第二阶段,我们对2005年至2006年间因怀疑OSA而转诊至睡眠障碍诊所的410例连续患者进行了前瞻性验证。回顾性随机样本中OSA患者的OHS患病率为30%,而20例中20%预期样本中的百分比。两个样本中的三个变量独立地预测OHS:血清碳酸氢盐水平(p <0.001),呼吸暂停低通气指数(p = 0.006)和睡眠期间最低的氧饱和度(p <0.001)。由于与OHS相关的严重疾病,我们选择了血清碳酸氢盐水平的高度敏感阈值。阈值为27 mEq / l,灵敏度为92%,特异性为50%。血清碳酸氢盐水平<27 mEq / l的患者中只有3%患有高碳酸血症,而血清碳酸氢盐> / = 27 mEq / l的患者为50%。总之,OHS在严重OSA中很常见。正常的血清碳酸氢盐水平可排除高碳酸血症,血清碳酸氢盐水平升高应提示临床医生测量动脉血气。



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