首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >A new genus and two new nematode species (Drilonematoidea: Ungellidae: Synoecneminae) parasitic in two morphs of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, endemic earthworm from the Russian Far East

A new genus and two new nematode species (Drilonematoidea: Ungellidae: Synoecneminae) parasitic in two morphs of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, endemic earthworm from the Russian Far East

机译:一个新属和两个新线虫种类(Drilonematoidea:Ungellidae:Synoecneminae)寄生于俄罗斯远东的地方性endDrawida ghilarovi Gates的两种形态中

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Drasico n. g. is erected to accommodate two new species of nematode, Drasico nemoralis n. sp. and D. paludigenus n. sp., recovered from coelomic cavities of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, endemic earthworms of the Russian Far East. The new genus is characterised by the following unique for the Synoecneminae characters: apical portion of the head attenuated, cephalic hooks displaced to the base of attenuated portion, amphids displaced posterior to cephalic hooks, excretory duct short and weak, males possessing several genital papilliform sensilla. The new species are differentiated by the size, number and disposition of the male genital sensilla (larger and more numerous in D. nemoralis n. sp.); the body shape of females (with thinner neck and wider mid-body in D. paludigenus n. sp.) and the ovarian tube arranged in transversal folds in D. paludigenus (vs longitudinal folds in D. nemoralis n. sp.). Nucleotide sequences of D2-D3 expansion segment of 28S rDNA for the two new species differed at 13 positions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close relationships of Drasico n. g. with species of Siconema Timm, 1966. The host species was represented by two morphs (blue-grey forest and tar-black meadow-swamp morph) with intraspecific divergence of 16-17% for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, and each host morph was found infected by a different nematode species. A co-infection with the plectid nematode Creagrocercus drawidae Ivanova & Spiridonov, 2011 was recorded together with D. nemoralis n. sp. in the blue-grey forest morph.
机译:德拉西科G。可以容纳两种新的线虫,Drasico nemoralis n。 sp。和D. paludigenus n。种,从俄罗斯远东地方性Drawida ghilarovi Gates的腔内恢复而来。该新属的特征在于滑膜炎的以下特征:头部的顶端部分变弱,头钩向变薄部分的底部移位,两栖动物移位到头钩的后部,排泄管短而弱,男性具有几个生殖器乳头状的感官。新物种的区别在于雄性生殖器感官的大小,数量和性状(在D. nemoralis n。sp。中更大和更多)。雌性的体形(在D. paludigenus n。sp。中颈部较薄,中体较宽)和卵巢管在D. paludigenus中具有横向折叠(相对于D. nemoralis n。sp。中的纵向折叠)。两个新物种的28S rDNA的D2-D3扩展段的核苷酸序列在13个位置不同。系统发育分析揭示了Drasico n的密切关系。 G。与Siconema Timm的物种,1966年。寄主物种由两种形态(蓝灰色森林和焦油黑草甸沼泽形态)代表,细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1(COI)基因的种内差异为16-17%,并且发现每种宿主形态都感染了不同的线虫。记录了与变态线虫Creagrocercus drawidae Ivanova&Spiridonov,2011和D. nemoralis n的共同感染。 sp。在蓝灰色的森林中



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