首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >A new species of Androlaelaps Berlese, 1903 (Acari: Parasitiformes) parasitising an akodontine rodent (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in northeastern Argentina

A new species of Androlaelaps Berlese, 1903 (Acari: Parasitiformes) parasitising an akodontine rodent (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in northeastern Argentina

机译:1903年,一种新的Androlaelaps Berlese(Acari:Parasitiformes)寄生于阿根廷东北部的一种阿科多汀啮齿动物(Cricetidae:Sigmodontinae)

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Androlaelaps misionalis, a new species of laelapine mite, is described on the basis of specimens collected from the pelage of the akodontine rodent Akodon montensis Thomas at Salto El Paraiso, Misiones Province, in northeastern Argentina. The formal taxonomic description, illustrations and SEM photographs are derived from female specimens; the male and nymph are unknown. Androlaelaps misionalis n. sp. resembles A. maurii Lareschi & Gettinger, 2009 in general appearance, and both species are close to A. rotundus Fonseca, 1936. The former two differ from A. rotundus in their smaller size, by having the distance between the j6 setae similar to the distance between the z5 setae, and by having an opisthogaster with a pair of setae closer to the epigynal shield. A. misionalis differs from A. maurii mainly in its: larger dorsal shield (length > 500 mu m); sternal setae S1, S2 and S3 with tips not extending beyond the following setal base; sternal shield width > 1.5 times its length; and shorter epigynal seta S5. This mite appears to be host-specific to Akodon montensis.
机译:根据从阿根廷东北部米西奥内斯省萨尔托·帕拉伊索的阿科多汀啮齿动物Akodon montensis Thomas的尸体收集的标本,描述了一种新的laelapine螨-Androlaelaps misionalis。正式的生物分类学说明,插图和SEM照片均来自雌性标本。雄性和若虫未知。猪笼草sp。从总体上看,它们与A. maurii Lareschi&Gettinger,2009相似,并且两个物种都与A. rotundus Fonseca,1936接近。前两个物种与A. rotundus的区别在于其较小的大小,其j6刚毛之间的距离类似于z5刚毛之间的距离,并且有一个带有一对刚毛更靠近上剑盾的刚毛的光秃兽。 misionalis与murii的不同之处主要在于:背盾较大(长度> 500μm);胸骨刚毛S1,S2和S3,尖端不超出以下的刚毛基部;胸骨盾的宽度>其长度的1.5倍;以及较短的剑尾刚毛S5。这种螨似乎是寄主特有的山葵。



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