首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Gnathia trimaculata n. sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda: Gnathiidae), an ectoparasite found parasitising requiem sharks from off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Gnathia trimaculata n. sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda: Gnathiidae), an ectoparasite found parasitising requiem sharks from off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

机译:Gnathia trimaculata n。 sp。 (甲壳纲:Isopoda:Gnathiidae),一种外寄生虫,被寄生在澳大利亚大堡礁蜥蜴岛对岸的安息鲨中。

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Gnathia trimaculata n. sp. is described from one black tip reef shark Carcharinus melanopterus Quoy & Gaimard and four grey reef sharks C. amblyrhynchos Bleeker collected off Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Third-stage juveniles (praniza 3) were maintained in fresh seawater until they moulted into adults. Male adults emerged seven days post-removal (d.p.r) of pranizae from host fishes, whereas the female pranizae completed their moult into adult females 24 d.p.r. Distinctive features include the relatively large size of all stages and the unique mediofrontal process of the male, which is divided into two lobes forming a key-hole shape between them. The female frontal border is characterised by paired simple, pappose setae on the sides of the mid-dorsal area, as well as four long, pappose setae on the mid-dorsal region. The pranizae have eight teeth on each mandible. Live pranizae have stripes and three pairs of distinctive black spots within yellow circles on the sides of the pereonites and this pigmentation pattern persists in the adults. This represents the second description of a gnathiid parasitising elasmobranchs off Australia.
机译:Gnathia trimaculata n。 sp。描述是从澳大利亚大堡礁蜥蜴岛附近采集的一只黑鳍礁鲨Carcharinus melanopterus Quoy&Gaimard和四只灰礁鲨C. amblyrhynchos Bleeker所描述的。第三阶段的幼鱼(Praniza 3)被保持在淡海水中,直到它们蜕皮成年。雄成虫从宿主鱼中移出(d.p.r)后7天出现,而雌性pranizae在d.p.r. 24 d成年雌性完成蜕皮。明显的特征包括所有阶段的相对较大的大小以及雄性的独特的中额额突,将其分为两个裂片,在它们之间形成钥匙孔形状。雌性额骨的特征是在背中部区域的侧面成对的简单的乳头刚毛,以及在背中部区域的四个长的乳头刚毛。该下颚在每个下颌上有八个牙齿。活的古兰经在斑岩侧面的黄色圆圈内有条纹和三对独特的黑点,这种色素沉着模式在成虫中持续存在。这代表了澳大利亚境外的棘生性棘突性虫的第二种描述。



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