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Experience with laparoscopic management of solitary symptomatic splenic cysts.


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Aggressive laparoscopic procedures can be used to manage pathologic lesions of solid organs. We attempted laparoscopic management of solitary symptomatic splenic cysts in four patients--two men and two women--ranging in age from 19 to 63 years (mean, 35 years). The cysts involved the whole spleen in one case, the upper pole in one, and the lower pole in two. We performed laparoscopic splenectomy in one case and laparoscopic unroofing of the cyst wall in three. In two procedures we successfully used needlescopic instruments. The duration of surgery and the volume of intraoperative bleeding were 300 minutes and 200 mL, respectively, for the splenectomy, and an average of 170 minutes (range, 120-240) and minimum volume, respectively, for the unroofing. There were no intra- or postoperative complications related to the laparoscopic procedures. The postoperative hospital stay was 9 days for the patient who underwent splenectomy and an average of 5.6 days (range, 5-7) for the patients who underwent unroofing. Laparoscopic management of splenic cysts is technically feasible and safe and has the advantages of reduced postoperative pain, shortened convalescence, and improved cosmesis.
机译:积极的腹腔镜检查程序可用于处理实体器官的病理病变。我们尝试对4例年龄在19至63岁(平均35岁)的患者进行腹腔镜处理,其中包括4例男性和2例女性。囊肿一例累及整个脾脏,一例累及上极,二例累及下极。我们对1例患者进行了腹腔镜脾切除术,对3例患者进行了腹腔镜切除术。在两个过程中,我们成功使用了针镜仪器。脾切除术的手术时间和术中出血量分别为300分钟和200 mL,而无屋顶手术的平均时间分别为170分钟(范围120-240)和最小量。没有腹腔镜手术相关的术中或术后并发症。接受脾切除术的患者术后住院天数为9天,而无屋顶手术的患者平均住院时间为5.6天(5-7天)。腹腔镜治疗脾囊肿在技术上是可行和安全的,并且具有减轻术后疼痛,缩短恢复期和改善美容的优点。



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