首页> 外文期刊>Stroke: A Journal of Cerebral Circulation >Analysis of thrombi retrieved from cerebral arteries of patients with acute ischemic stroke.

Analysis of thrombi retrieved from cerebral arteries of patients with acute ischemic stroke.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Information regarding the histological structure of thromboemboli that cause acute stroke provides insight into pathogenesis and clinical management. METHODS: This report describes the histological analysis of thromboemboli retrieved by endovascular mechanical extraction from the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and intracranial carotid artery (ICA) of 25 patients with acute ischemic stroke. RESULTS: The large majority (75%) of thromboemboli shared architectural features of random fibrin:platelet deposits interspersed with linear collections of nucleated cells (monocytes and neutrophils) and confined erythrocyte-rich regions. This histology was prevalent with both cardioembolic and atherosclerotic sources of embolism. "Red" clots composed uniquely of erythrocytes were uncommon and observed only with incomplete extractions, and cholesterol crystals were notably absent. The histology of thromboemboli that could not be retrieved from 29 concurrent patients may be different. No thrombus>3 mm wide caused stroke limited to the MCA, and no thrombus >5 mm wide was removed from the ICA. A mycotic embolus was successfully removed in 1 case, and a small atheroma and attached intima were removed without clinical consequence from another. CONCLUSIONS: Thromboemboli retrieved from the MCA or intracranial ICA of patients with acute ischemic stroke have similar histological components, whether derived from cardiac or arterial sources. Embolus size determines ultimate destination, those >5 mm wide likely bypassing the cerebral vessels entirely. The fibrin:platelet pattern that dominates thromboembolic structure provides a foundation for both antiplatelet and anticoagulant treatment strategies in stroke prevention.
机译:背景和目的:有关引起急性中风的血栓栓塞的组织学结构的信息提供了发病机理和临床管理的见解。方法:本报告描述了25例急性缺血性中风患者的脑中动脉(MCA)和颅内颈动脉(ICA)血管内机械提取血栓栓塞的组织学分析。结果:血栓栓塞的绝大多数(75%)具有随机纤维蛋白的结构特征:血小板沉积物散布着线性收集的有核细胞(单核细胞和中性粒细胞)和狭窄的红细胞富集区域。这种组织学在栓塞的心脏栓塞和动脉粥样硬化源中普遍存在。仅由红细胞组成的“红色”血块很少见,仅在不完全提取的情况下才观察到,并且明显没有胆固醇晶体。无法从29名并发患者中检索到的血栓栓塞的组织学可能有所不同。没有> 3 mm宽的血栓引起仅限于MCA的中风,也没有从ICA上去除> 5 mm宽的血栓。 1例成功清除了真菌性栓塞,并清除了一个小的动脉粥样硬化和附着的内膜,而没有另一例的临床后果。结论:急性缺血性卒中患者的MCA或颅内ICA血栓栓塞具有相似的组织学成分,无论是来自心脏还是动脉来源。栓子的大小决定了最终的目标,> 5 mm宽的栓子可能会完全绕过脑血管。支配血栓栓塞结构的纤维蛋白:血小板模式为中风预防中的抗血小板和抗凝治疗策略提供了基础。



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