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Refractory Advances and Applications


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The "refractories world" convened in the Oceanside resort city of Cancun, Mexico, for the 7th Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), November 4-7, 2001. The meeting was organized and hosted by the Association of Latin American Refractory Manufacturers (ALAFAR). The Technical Association of Refractories - Japan (TARJ), the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), and the German Refractories Association (GRA) were co-sponsors of the meeting. There were 431 registrants and 141 companions from 36 countries; the number of attendees was about half that of the previous UNITECR meetings. The reduced attendance had a dramatic effect on the technical program, with cancellation of roughly 30 percent of the papers scheduled for presentation. However, 158 papers are published in the three-volume Proceedings and CD-ROM.The opening session included invited speakers that discussed key issues pertinent to the refractories industry. R. Gutierrez from DeAcero (a steel/wire company) predicted that the world steel production for 2001 would be 1.5 percent higher than in 2000. He talked about he crisis in the steel industry, noting that more steel company bankruptcies can be expected if no changes are made, and suggested that an international agreement to reduce the excess steel capacity globally would be desirable. T. Richter, RHI America, gave an overview of the refractories industry, emphasizing that refractories are strategic materials that can't be replaced by other materials. Competitive pressures will continue due to numerous factors, such as increased raw materials prices, a continuing decrease in the refractory consumption rate, and no increase in product prices due to the effect of imports from China and East Europe. A serious overcapacity problem exists, as only 25 million tons of the 40 million ton worldwide capacity is being used. Further consolidation of the refractories industry should include centralization of the refractories industry should include centralization and reduction of capacity, and the trade laws between countries need to be liberalized. Also, more attention should be paid to environmental issues and recycling.
机译:“耐火材料世界”于2001年11月4日至7日在墨西哥坎昆海滨度假胜地城市召开,以召开第七届耐火材料国际统一技术会议。该会议由拉丁美洲耐火材料制造商协会组织和主办(阿拉法)。日本耐火材料技术协会(TARJ),美国陶瓷协会(ACerS)和德国耐火材料协会(GRA)是会议的共同发起人。来自36个国家/地区的431位注册者和141位同伴;出席人数大约是以前的UNITECR会议的一半。出席人数的减少对技术计划产生了巨大影响,取消了计划提交的约30%的论文。然而,在三卷论文集和CD-ROM中出版了158篇论文。开幕式包括受邀演讲者,讨论了与耐火材料行业有关的关键问题。 DeAcero(一家钢铁公司)的R. Gutierrez预测2001年世界钢铁产量将比2000年增长1.5%。他谈到钢铁行业的危机,并指出如果不这样做,钢铁公司将会破产进行了更改,并建议制定一项国际协议以减少全球钢铁过剩产能。 RHI美国公司的T. Richter概述了耐火材料行业,强调耐火材料是不可替代的战略材料。竞争压力将由于多种因素而继续存在,例如原材料价格上涨,耐火材料消耗率持续下降以​​及由于从中国和东欧进口的影响而导致产品价格没有上涨。存在严重的产能过剩问题,因为全球4000万吨的产能中只有2500万吨正在使用。耐火材料行业的进一步整合应包括耐火材料行业的集中化,包括集中化和减少产能,国家之间的贸易法也应放宽。此外,应更加注意环境问题和回收利用。



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