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The garden of ulysses: ferdinand Bac, modernism and the afterlife of myth


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Ferdinand Bac's three Mediterranean gardens constructed between 1913 and 1925 are more than a chapter in the history of horticultural design. They are the product of an existential conflict that reflects one of the central cultural dilemmas of the age for designers of all sorts as well as for writers: the problem of epigonism. How was one to create in a France where prestige of the styles of the past seemed to render innovation derisory and imitation a sterile exercise? 'During the nineteenth century,' wrote Bac, 'one imitated the Past because one loved it ... but, after having imitated it quite badly one got to the point of imitating it too well .... What this tendency led to at the beginning of the twentieth century on Bac's beloved Cote d'Azur, well before the mass tourism of today disfigured it even more, was a singular case of cultural incoherence. Bac's friend, Robert de la Sizeranne, complained of the insolence of speculators and rich winter residents who erected palaces and villas seemingly inspired by pastry, painted in fruit colors in the styles of Louis XIV or the Middle Ages, some of them inspired by castles on the Rhine, in England or even by Norwegian chalets. Traditional architectural forms - the provencal 'mas', the Italian terrace, the Roman villa - seemed to have been banished; plants native to the region such as the oak, the lemon tree, and the parasol pine had been supplanted by exotic species such as the ubiquitous palm tree, the cactus, the ficus as well as a number of other fleshy of fuzzy varieties. It was clear to many in the years preceding the World War I that culture yearned for renewal. To meet the demand, came a plethora of vigorous and ill-defined movements: after Fauvism came Orphism, Futurism and a host of others. Bac did not remain insensitive to the spirit of the times and presented as revolutionary his own program for the reform of garden design. Revolutions, as he understood it, however, hews close to the metaphor on which the term is based: the turning of a wheel so that what was formerly on a lower level rises to the top. Bac's revolution is a renaissance, a rebirth of the old, a renewal of ancient forms. He presents himself as a man of his time who points confidently to the future. But on what basis can a modern art be founded? Surely, according to Bac, only on the debris of the old. In this respect he places himself squarely in the wake of a host of conservative modernists. His work, very different from theirs, points out a common paradox.
机译:费迪南德·巴克(Ferdinand Bac)在1913年至1925年之间建造的三个地中海花园,在园艺设计历史上已超过一章。它们是存在冲突的产物,它反映了各种设计者和作家的时代中心文化困境之一:顿悟问题。在一个以过去的风格声望似乎使创新受到嘲笑和模仿成为一种无菌活动的法国,如何创造一个?巴克(Bac)写道:“在19世纪,有人之所以效仿过去,是因为有人喜欢它……但是,在模仿得很糟之后,人们又把它模仿得太好了……。这种趋势导致了二十世纪初,Bac钟爱的蔚蓝海岸(Cote d'Azur)远远超过了今天的大规模旅游业,这是文化不连贯的一个特例。 Bac的朋友Robert de la Sizeranne抱怨投机者和富有的冬天居民的无能为力,他们建造的宫殿和别墅看似受糕点的启发,以路易十四或中世纪风格涂上水果色,其中一些受城堡的启发。莱茵河,在英格兰,甚至是挪威木屋。传统的建筑形式-普罗旺斯的“ mas”,意大利露台,罗马别墅-似乎已被放逐。该地区的原生植物,例如橡树,柠檬树和阳伞松树,已被外来物种取代,例如无处不在的棕榈树,仙人掌,榕树以及许多其他多肉的模糊品种。在第一次世界大战之前的许多年中,很明显文化渴望更新。为了满足需求,出现了许多激烈而又定义不清的运动:野兽派之后出现了Orphism,Futurism和许多其他运动。 Bac并没有对时代精神保持麻木不仁,并提出了自己的革命性园林设计方案作为革命性方案。但是,正如他所理解的那样,旋转接近该术语所基于的隐喻:转动车轮,使原先位于较低位置的车轮升至顶部。 Bac的革命是复兴,是旧时代的重生,是古代形式的更新。他表现出自己是那个时代的人,对未来充满信心。但是,可以在什么基础上建立现代艺术呢?当然,根据巴克的说法,仅是在旧碎片上。在这方面,他正处于众多保守派现代主义者之后。他的作品与他们的作品截然不同,指出了一个普遍的悖论。



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