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Evaluating ipe (Tabebuia, Bignoniaceae) logging in Amazonia: Sustainable management or catalyst for forest degradation?


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Prized for their dense, rot-resistant wood, Tabebuia impetiginosa and T. serratifolia (vernacular name=ipe) are among the most valuable Amazonian timbers. We analyzed the geographical extent, spread and trajectory of ipe logging in Brazilian Amazonia, and evaluated harvest pressure on this forest resource. We also examine Tabebuia population response to reduced-impact logging, a more ecologically benign alternative to destructive conventional harvest practices in Amazonia. Based on eight years of population monitoring at multiple sites in the eastern Brazilian Amazon, we project second harvest ipe yields in forests logged using RIL under legally allowable (90% of commercial stems) and reduced (70%) harvest intensities. In recent years ipe harvests have declined or ceased in the majority of old logging frontiers in eastern Amazonia while spreading to new logging frontiers in central and southwestern Amazonia. With current timber market prices, transportation infrastructure and harvesting costs, logging of ipe would be profitable in an estimated 63% of the Brazilian Amazon; in the more remote logging frontiers only logging of ipe and a few other high-value timbers is currently profitable. All populations of T. impetiginosa and T. serratifolia in northeastern forests showed drastic population declines over multiple RIL harvests in simulations, with no indication of population recovery over the long term. We conclude from study of Tabebuia populations in eastern Amazonia and modeling of response to logging that these two species are endangered by logging activity and merit additional protection under forest legislation.
机译:Tabebuia impetiginosa和T. serratifolia(乡土名称= ipe)因其致密,耐腐的木材而备受推崇,是亚马逊地区最有价值的木材。我们分析了巴西亚马逊地区的ipe伐木的地理范围,传播和轨迹,并评估了该森林资源的采伐压力。我们还研究了Tabebuia种群对减少影响的伐木的反应,这是亚马逊地区破坏性的传统收割方式在生态上更有益的替代方法。基于巴西东部亚马逊地区多个地点的八年人口监测,我们预测在法定允许的范围内(商业茎的90%)和减少的强度(70%),使用RIL砍伐的森林中第二次收获的ipe产量。近年来,东亚马孙地区的大多数旧伐木地区的ipes收成下降或停止,而扩展到亚马孙中部和西南部的新伐木领域。以当前的木材市场价格,运输基础设施和采伐成本计算,估计约有63%的巴西亚马逊地区的ipe采伐可获利;在更偏远的采伐地区,目前仅对柏木和其他一些高价值木材进行采伐是有利可图的。在模拟中,东北森林中的凤尾草和锯缘青蟹的所有种群在多次RIL收获后均显示出急剧的种群减少,没有长期的种群恢复迹象。我们从对东部亚马逊地区的塔伯布亚种群的研究和对伐木的响应模型得出的结论是,这两个物种均受到伐木活动的威胁,并应根据森林立法进行额外保护。



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