首页> 外文期刊>Biological Conservation >Careful partial harvesting in conservation stands and retention of large oaks favour oak regeneratio

Careful partial harvesting in conservation stands and retention of large oaks favour oak regeneratio


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In Europe, many semi-open pasture woodlands with oaks (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) have been invaded by other trees. The management alternatives for such stands are often debated. Protection (i.e. no cutting) versus partial harvest to favour oak regeneration was studied in two matched plots in 25 forests in Sweden. A mast year produced on average 45,000 oak seedlings/ha in 2001. On average 26% of the tree basal area, but no large oaks, was harvested in experimental plots in the winter 2002/03. In 2005, seedling densities were on average 3,900 per ha in control plots (protected) and 11,600 in experimental plots (mainly seedlings from 2002 to 2004). Seedling survival and growth rate from 2003 to 2005 were higher in experimental than cutting plots (66% vs 44%; and +2.8cm vs -0.8cm, respectively). Survival and growth were positively related to canopy openness; other vegetation, pH, and oak basal area had no or little effect. Seedling height before cutting was also a positive predictor of survival. The plots contained many more intermediate and large oaks than small oak trees. The number of small oak trees (1.3m tall to 5cm in diameter at 1.3m) was positively related to canopy openness, but unrelated to other measured factors. Thus, minor partial cutting increases seedling densities, and adequate light favours seedlings/small trees. When oak regeneration is important for mixed closed canopy stands with high biodiversity values, such partial cutting is useful (e.g. for CO sub(2)-neutral biofuel) but needs careful evaluation, including effects on biodiversity.
机译:在欧洲,许多带有橡树的半开放式牧场林地(栎木(Quercus robur)和栎属(Q. petraea))已被其他树木入侵。对于此类展位的管理替代方案经常引起争议。在瑞典的25个森林中的两个匹配地块中,研究了保护(即不砍伐)与部分采伐以促进橡木再生的关系。在2001年的大肥年,平均每公顷种植45,000棵橡树幼苗。2002/03年冬季,平均每公顷树木基面积的26%收获,但没有大橡树。 2005年,对照样地(保护地)和试验样地(主要是2002年至2004年)的平均密度为每公顷3,900公顷,平均密度为每公顷11,600公顷。 2003年至2005年,实验田的幼苗存活率和生长速率均高于cutting割田(分别为66%和44%; + 2.8cm和-0.8cm)。生存和生长与冠层开放度呈正相关。其他植被,pH值和橡树基部面积没有影响或影响很小。 cutting插前的苗高也是存活的积极预测指标。该地块包含的中型和大型橡树比小橡树多得多。小橡树的数量(1.3m高,直径为1.3m,5cm直径)与树冠的开放度呈正相关,但与其他测量因素无关。因此,轻微的局部砍伐会增加幼苗的密度,充足的光照有利于幼苗/小树木。当橡树再生对于具有高生物多样性价值的混合密闭林冠很重要时,这种部分砍伐是有用的(例如对于CO sub(2)中性生物燃料),但需要仔细评估,包括对生物多样性的影响。



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