首页> 外文期刊>Statistics and Its Interface >Bayesian model assessments in evaluating mixtures of longitudinal trajectories and their associations with cross-sectional health outcomes

Bayesian model assessments in evaluating mixtures of longitudinal trajectories and their associations with cross-sectional health outcomes


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In joint-modeling analyses that simultaneously consider a set of longitudinal predictors and a primary outcome, the two most frequently used response versus longitudinal trajectory models utilize latent class (LC) and multiple shared random effects (MSRE) predictors. In practice, it is common to use one model assessment criterion to justify the use of the model. How different criteria perform under the joint longitudinal predictor-scalar outcome model is less understood. In this paper, we evaluate six Bayesian model assessment criteria: Akaike information criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1973), Bayesian information criterion (BIC) (Schwartz, 1978), integrated classification likelihood criterion (ICL) (Biernacki et al., 1998), the deviance information criterion (DIC) (Spiegelhalter et al., 2002), the logarithm of the pseudomarginal likelihood (LPML) (Geisser and Eddy, 1979) and the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) (Watanabe, 2010). When needed, the criteria are modified, following the Bayesian principle, to accommodate the joint modeling framework that analyzes longitudinal predictors and binary health outcome data. We report our evaluation based on empirical numerical studies, exploring the relationships and similarities among these criteria. We focus on two evaluation aspects: goodness-of-fit adjusted for the complexity of the models, mostly reflected by the numbers of latent features/classes in the longitudinal trajectories that are part of the hierarchical structure in the joint models, and prediction evaluation based on both training and test samples as well as their contrasts. Our results indicate that all six criteria suffer from difficulty in separating deeply overlapping latent features, with AIC, BIC, ICL and WAIC outperforming others in terms of correctly identifying the number of latent classes. With respect to prediction, DIC, WAIC and LPML tend to choose the models with too many latent classes, leading to better predictive performance on independent validation samples than the models chosen by other criteria do. An interesting result concerning the wrong model choice will be reported. Finally, we use the results from the simulation study to identify the suitable candidate models to link the useful features in the follicle stimulating hormone trajectories to predict risk of severe hot flash in the Penn Ovarian Aging Study.
机译:在同时考虑一组纵向预测变量和主要结果的联合模型分析中,两个最常用的响应与纵向轨迹模型利用潜在类别(LC)和多重共享随机效应(MSRE)预测变量。在实践中,通常使用一种模型评估标准来证明使用该模型是合理的。人们对在联合纵向预测标量结果模型下如何执行不同标准的了解较少。在本文中,我们评估了六种贝叶斯模型评估标准:Akaike信息标准(AIC)(Akaike,1973),贝叶斯信息标准(BIC)(Schwartz,1978),综合分类可能性标准(ICL)(Biernacki等,1998) ),偏差信息准则(DIC)(Spiegelhalter等,2002),伪边际似然(LPML)的对数(Geisser和Eddy,1979)和广泛适用的信息准则(WAIC)(Watanabe,2010)。在需要时,遵循贝叶斯原理修改标准,以适应分析纵向预测变量和二进制健康结果数据的联合建模框架。我们根据经验数值研究报告我们的评估,探索这些标准之间的关系和相似性。我们关注两个评估方面:针对模型的复杂性进行调整的拟合优度(主要由作为联合模型层次结构一部分的纵向轨迹中的潜在特征/类的数量反映)以及基于预测的评估训练样本和测试样本以及它们的对比。我们的结果表明,所有六个标准都难以分离出深度重叠的潜在特征,在正确识别潜在类别的数量方面,AIC,BIC,ICL和WAIC的表现优于其他准则。关于预测,DIC,WAIC和LPML倾向于选择具有太​​多潜在类别的模型,从而导致独立验证样本上的预测性能优于其他标准选择的模型。将报告有关错误模型选择的有趣结果。最后,我们使用模拟研究的结果来确定合适的候选模型,以将刺激卵泡的激素轨迹中的有用特征联系起来,以预测宾夕法尼亚州卵巢衰老研究中严重潮热的风险。



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