首页> 外文期刊>Spectrochimica Acta, Part B. Atomic Spectroscopy >The development of a method for the determination of trace elements in fuel alcohol by electrothermal vaporization-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using external calibration

The development of a method for the determination of trace elements in fuel alcohol by electrothermal vaporization-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using external calibration


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A method for the determination of Ag,As,Cd,Cu,Co,Fe,Mn,Ni,Pb,Sn and Tl in fuel alcohol by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is proposed.The determinations were carried out by external calibration against ethanolic solutions,without a chemical modifier,employing the following pyrolysis and vaporization temperatures:400 deg C and 2300 deg C for the more volatile analytes and 1000 deg C and 2500 deg C for the less volatile analytes.The determination of As,Cd,Pb,Sn and Tl was additionally carried out using Pd as modifier at 800 deg C pyrolysis and 2400 deg C vaporization temperatures.The temperatures were optimized through pyrolysis and vaporization curves.Seven common fuel ethanol,one fuel ethanol with additive and one anhydrous fuel ethanol sample have been analyzed.The measured concentrations were at the mug L~(-1) level or lower.Since there is no certified reference material for fuel ethanol,the accuracy of the method was checked by the recovery test,with recoveries from 75% to 124%.The limits of detection (LODs),in mug L~(-1),and the relative standard deviations for 5 replicates were,for the elements in the conditions without modifier:Ag:0.015 and 9.1%,Co:0.002 and 10%,Cu:0.22 and 6.6%,Fe:0.72 and 4.3%,Mn:0.025 and 12%,Ni:0.026 and 9.3%,and for the elements with Pd:As:0.02 and 2.9%,Cd:0.07 and 25%,Pb:0.02 and 3.1%,Sn:0.010 and 6.0%,Tl:0.0008 and 2.5%.Electrothermal vaporization avoids the loading of the plasma with organics,allowing the analysis of fuel ethanol by ICP-MS with good accuracy and reasonable precision.
机译:提出了一种用电热汽化电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定燃料乙醇中的Ag,As,Cd,Cu,Co,Fe,Mn,Ni,Pb,Sn和Tl的方法。不含化学改性剂的乙醇溶液,采用以下热解和汽化温度:挥发性较高的分析物为400℃和2300℃,挥发性较低的分析物为1000℃和2500℃.As,Cd,Pb的测定另外,在800℃的热解和2400℃的汽化温度下,还使用Pd作为改性剂对Sn和Tl进行了分析。通过热解和汽化曲线对温度进行了优化。七种普通燃料乙醇,一种含添加剂的燃料乙醇和一种无水乙醇样品进行了分析。测量的浓度在杯子L〜(-1)或更低的水平。由于没有认证的燃料乙醇参考物质,因此方法的准确性通过回收率t进行了检验。 est,回收率从75%到124%。对于无修饰条件的元素,样品杯L〜(-1)中的检出限(LOD)和5个重复的相对标准偏差为:Ag:0.015 Pd:As:0.02和9.1%,Co:0.002和10%,Cu:0.22和6.6%,Fe:0.72和4.3%,Mn:0.025和12%,Ni:0.026和9.3% 2.9%,Cd:0.07和25%,Pb:0.02和3.1%,Sn:0.010和6.0%,Tl:0.0008和2.5%。电热汽化避免了等离子体中有机物的上样,从而可以通过ICP分析燃料乙醇-MS具有良好的准确性和合理的精度。



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