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The production of salary profiles of ICT professionals: Moving from structured database to big data analytics


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The national information communications technology (ICT) industry association (popularly known as PIKOM) in collaboration with the largest online job recruitment service provider, namely Jobstreet.com, has been publishing salary profile of ICT professionals in Malaysia annually since 2006. The series has been publishing average salary of ICT professionals by industry, job category, employment size, geographical locations and top paying industry. The online job registration system that Jobstreet.com biannually updates constituted the data source for the statistical activity. The reported data are of high quality as there is an inherent tendency for jobseekers to furnish accurate information in search of new jobs or career advancements. The past series also demonstrated consistency and stability in data trends that official statistics is equally concerned about. Not only private sector, the mainstream policy and planning agencies also have become vivid user of PIKOM data, in particular ICT salary records at three digit occupation and five digit industry levels. Typically such levels of data dissemination are not feasible under national sample surveys. More importantly, the ICT salary data are published as official statistics in the Digital Economy Satellite Account (DESA) system that consolidates all ICT data in the country including private sector initiatives. As next level collaboration, the paper also discusses big data analytics (BDA) targeted at semi-structured and unstructured data that the online job registration system entails.
机译:国家信息通信技术(ICT)行业协会(俗称PIKOM)与最大的在线工作招聘服务提供商Jobstreet.com合作,自2006年以来每年都在马来西亚发布ICT专业人员的薪水概况。按行业,职位类别,就业规模,地理位置和收入最高的行业发布ICT专业人员的平均工资。 Jobstreet.com每半年更新一次的在线职位注册系统构成了统计活动的数据源。报告的数据质量很高,因为求职者存在固有的趋势,即提供准确的信息以寻找新的工作或职业发展。过去的系列还证明了官方统计数据同样关注的数据趋势的一致性和稳定性。不仅私营部门,主流政策和计划机构还成为PIKOM数据的生动用户,特别是三位数职业和五位数行业水平的ICT工资记录。通常,在国家样本调查中,这种水平的数据传播是不可行的。更重要的是,ICT工资数据作为官方统计数字发布在数字经济卫星账户(DESA)系统中,该系统整合了该国的所有ICT数据,包括私营部门的举措。作为更高级别的协作,本文还讨论了针对在线职位注册系统所包含的半结构化和非结构化数据的大数据分析(BDA)。



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