首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics >The population and housing census in a register based statistical system

The population and housing census in a register based statistical system


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The population and housing census has for decades been in most countries the backbone of social statistics, and this was also the case in Denmark. However, a traditional census is an extremely costly operation and a long lasting process. This applies especially for the past making data less useful. On this background the direct use of administrative registers in statistics was introduced in Denmark in the 70's. The paper describes the way to the first totally register based population and housing census that ever took place in the world in 1981, and how the use of administrative registers changes the production of statistics and the demand for statistics as well. In the register based systems most statistics can be produced annually or more frequently, for example population statistics could in principle be produced daily. The first register based census carried out in 1981 turned out to be also the last census published in Denmark. Denmark still undertakes censuses based on registers, but only to fulfil international commitments. The conclusion is that in a register based statistical system, like the Danish, the census has lost its importance and has nearly disappeared.
机译:几十年来,人口和住房普查一直是大多数国家社会统计的中坚力量,丹麦也是如此。但是,传统的人口普查是一项极其昂贵的操作,而且过程很长。这尤其适用于过去使数据使用率降低的情况。在这种背景下,70年代的丹麦引入了直接在统计中使用行政登记册。本文描述了1981年世界上首次进行完全基于人口登记的人口和住房普查的方式,以及行政登记的使用如何改变了统计数据的产生和对统计数据的需求。在基于寄存器的系统中,大多数统计信息可以每年或更频繁地生成,例如,原则上可以每天生成人口统计信息。 1981年进行的首次人口普查,也是丹麦最后一次人口普查。丹麦仍然根据登记册进行人口普查,但这只是为了履行国际承诺。结论是,在丹麦这样的基于登记的统计系统中,人口普查已失去其重要性,并且几乎消失了。



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