
Central limit theorems for multicolor urns with dominated colors


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An urn contains balls of d>=2 colors. At each time n>=1, a ball is drawn and then replaced together with a random number of balls of the same color. Let diag (An,1,...,An,d) be the n-th reinforce matrix. Assuming that EAn,j=EAn,1 for all n and j, a few central limit theorems (CLTs) are available for such urns. In real problems, however, it is more reasonable to assume that for some integer 1<=d0<=d. Under this condition, the usual weak limit theorems may fail, but it is still possible to prove the CLTs for some slightly different random quantities. These random quantities are obtained by neglecting dominated colors, i.e.,colors from d0+1 to d, and they allow the same inference on the urn structure. The sequence is independent but need not be identically distributed. Some statistical applications are given as well.
机译:包含d> = 2种颜色的球。在每次n> = 1时,将绘制一个球,然后将其与任意数量的相同颜色的球一起替换。令diag(An,1,...,An,d)为第n个加固矩阵。假设对所有n和j的EAn,j = EAn,1,都有一些中心极限定理(CLT)用于此类骨灰盒。但是,在实际问题中,更合理的假设是对于某些整数1 <= d0 <= d。在这种情况下,通常的弱极限定理可能会失败,但是仍然有可能证明CLT对于一些稍微不同的随机量。这些随机量是通过忽略主要颜色(即从d0 + 1到d的颜色)获得的,它们允许对urn结构进行相同的推断。序列是独立的,但不必相同地分布。还提供了一些统计应用程序。



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