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Cooling the Rotating Shaft of a High-Temperature Furnace Fan


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The convective heat transfer from the open surface of the rotating shaft in a high-temperature furnace fan to the surroundings is studied experimentally at different fan speeds. In comparable conditions, the mean heat-transfer coefficient from the open shaft surface is 40-60% greater than the heat-transfer coefficient from a single immobile cylinder in a transverse air flux. A method is proposed for calculating the shaft cooling, and a formula is derived for estimating its temperature in the bearing region as a function of the fan parameters and the furnace's operating conditions. Calculations show that, with increase in shaft speed, the bearing temperature falls rapidly in the range 100-600 rpm. At higher speeds, the bearing temperature practically stabilizes. Analysis of the formula indicates that, with fixed shaft speed and diameter, the heating of the bearings may be reduced by increasing the length of the open shaft surface or employing less conductive materials. The results may be used in the design of high-temperature furnace fans.
机译:实验研究了在不同的风扇转速下,高温炉风扇中旋转轴的开放表面与周围的对流传热。在可比较的条件下,在横向空气流中,来自敞开轴表面的平均传热系数比来自单个固定气缸的传热系数大40-60%。提出了一种计算轴冷却的方法,并推导出了一个公式,用于根据风扇参数和炉子的工作条件估算轴承在轴承区域的温度。计算表明,随着轴速度的增加,轴承温度在100-600 rpm范围内迅速下降。在较高速度下,轴承温度实际上稳定下来。对公式的分析表明,在轴速度和直径固定的情况下,可以通过增加开口的轴表面的长度或使用较少的导电材料来减少轴承的发热。该结果可用于高温炉风机的设计。



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