首页> 外文期刊>Sedimentology: Journal of the International Association of Sedimentologists >Lower Miocene gypsum palaeokarst in the Madrid Basin (central Spain): dissolution diagenesis, morphological relics and karst end-products

Lower Miocene gypsum palaeokarst in the Madrid Basin (central Spain): dissolution diagenesis, morphological relics and karst end-products


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The Miocene sedimentary record of the Madrid Basin displays several examples of palaeokarstic surfaces sculpted within evaporite formations. One of these palaeokarstic surfaces represents the boundary between two main lithostratigraphic units, the Miocene Lower and Intermediate units of the Madrid Basin. The palaeokarst formed in lacustrine gypsum deposits of Aragonian age and corresponds to a surface palaeokarst (epikarst), further buried by terrigenous deposits of the overlying unit. Karst features are recognized up to 5.5 m beneath the gypsum surface. Exokarst and endokarst zones are distinguished by the spatial distribution of solution features, i.e. karren, dolines, pits, conduits and caves, and collapse breccias, sedimentary fills and alteration of the original gypsum across the karst profiles. The development of the gypsum palaeokarst began after drying out of a saline lake basin, as supported by recognition of root tubes, later converted to cylindrical and funnel-shaped pits, at the top of the karstic profiles. The existence of a shallow water table along with low hydraulic gradients was the main factor controlling the karst evolution, and explains the limited depth reached by both exokarst and endokarst features. Synsedimentary fill of the karst system by roughly laminated to massive clay mudstone with subordinate carbonate and clastic gypsum reflects a punctuated sedimentation regime probably related to episodic heavy rainfalls typical of arid to semi-arid climates. Duration of karstification is of the order of several thousands of years, which is consistent with previous statements that gypsum karstification can develop rapidly over geologically short time periods.
机译:马德里盆地的中新世沉积记录显示了几个在蒸发岩层中雕刻的古岩溶表面的例子。这些古岩溶地表之一代表了两个主要的岩石地层学单元-马德里盆地的中新世下部和中层单元之间的边界。古岩溶在阿拉贡时代的湖相石膏沉积物中形成,对应于地表古岩溶(表岩溶),被上覆单元的陆源沉积物进一步掩埋。在石膏表面以下5.5 m处可识别喀斯特地貌。 Exokarst和endokarst区域的特征是解决方案特征的空间分布,即karren,doline,坑,导管和洞穴,崩塌角砾岩,沉积填充物和整个岩溶剖面中原始石膏的改变。石膏古喀斯特的发展始于在盐湖盆地中干,后,得到根管的识别,后来在岩溶剖面的顶部转变成圆柱形和漏斗形的凹坑。浅水位和低水力梯度的存在是控制岩溶演化的主要因素,并解释了岩溶和内岩溶特征所达到的有限深度。喀斯特系统的沉积物充填物被大致层压成块状粘土泥岩和次要碳酸盐和碎屑石膏,这反映了点状的沉积状态,这可能与干旱至半干旱气候的典型暴雨有关。岩溶化的持续时间约为数千年,这与以前的说法一致,即石膏岩溶化可以在较短的地质时期内迅速发展。



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