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Modelling zero-inflated spatio-temporal processes


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We consider models for spatio-temporal processes which assume either non-negative values,and often are observed as zero, or discrete values and are also inflated by zeros. Typically, in the firstcase, the spatial observations are obtained at fixed locations (point-referenced data) over a region D;whereas in the second, the region D is divided into a finite number of regular or irregular subregions(areal level), resulting in observations for each subregion. Our main idea is based on those of zero-inflated models, by assuming that the value observed at location s and time t, 1'1(0, is a realization ofa mixture between a Bernoulli distribution with a probability of success θ_t (s) and a probability densityfunction or probability function p (yr (s) | .).For both cases, we include spatio-temporal latent processesin the model to account for the possible extra variation present in the mean structure of θ_t(s) and/orP (yt (s) |. ).In the context of point-referenced data, we model the amount of rainfall over city Riode Janeiro during 75 weeks; whereas in the areal data level case, we consider weekly cases of denguefever in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the years of 2001-02.
机译:我们考虑时空过程的模型,这些模型假定非负值,并且通常被观察为零或离散值,并且也会被零夸大。通常,在第一种情况下,空间观测是在区域D上的固定位置(以点为参考的数据)上获得的;而在第二种情况下,区域D被划分为有限数量的规则或不规则子区域(面积级别),在每个次区域的观察中。我们的主要思想是基于零膨胀模型,它们假设在位置s和时间t处观察到的值1'1(0,是伯努利分布之间的混合实现,成功概率为θ_t(s)对于这两种情况,我们都在模型中包括时空潜在过程,以说明θ_t(s)和/或P的平均结构中可能存在的额外变化。 (yt(s)|。)。在点参考数据的背景下,我们模拟了里约热内卢市75周内的降雨总量;而在区域数据水平的案例中,我们考虑了每周在佛罗里达州登革热的病例。 2001-02年在里约热内卢。



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