首页> 外文期刊>Statistical methods in medical research >A comparison of methods for estimating the random effects distribution of a linear mixed model

A comparison of methods for estimating the random effects distribution of a linear mixed model


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This article reviews various recently suggested approaches to estimate the random effects distribution in a linear mixed model, i.e. (1) the smoothing by roughening approach of Shen and Louis,~1 (2) the semi-non-parametric approach of Zhang and Davidian,~2 (3) the heterogeneity model of Verbeke and Lesaffre~3 and (4) a flexible approach of Ghidey et al.~4 These four approaches are compared via an extensive simulation study. We conclude that for the considered cases, the approach of Ghidey et al.~4 often shows to have the smallest integrated mean squared error for estimating the random effects distribution. An analysis of a longitudinal dental data set illustrates the performance of the methods in a practical example.
机译:本文回顾了最近提出的各种估计线性混合模型中随机效应分布的方法,即(1)Shen和Louis的粗糙化平滑方法,〜1(2)Zhang和Davidian的半非参数方法, 〜2(3)Verbeke和Lesaffre的异质性模型〜3和(4)Ghidey等人的灵活方法〜4通过广泛的仿真研究比较了这四种方法。我们得出结论,对于所考虑的情况,Ghidey等人[4]的方法通常显示出最小的综合均方误差,可用于估计随机效应分布。纵向牙科数据集的分析说明了实际示例中方法的性能。



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