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The Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX) Onboard the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Mission


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The Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX) is an in situ dust detector onboard the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission. It is designed to characterize the variability of the dust in the lunar exosphere by mapping the size and spatial distributions of dust grains in the lunar environment as a function of local time and the position of the Moon with respect to the magnetosphere of the Earth. LDEX gauged the relative contributions of the two competing dust sources:(a) ejecta production due to the continual bombardment of the Moon by interplanetary micrometeoroids, and (b) lofting of small grains from the lunar surface due to plasma-induced near-surface electric fields.
机译:月尘试验(LDEX)是月球大气和尘埃环境探测器(LADEE)任务上的现场尘埃探测器。它旨在通过绘制月球环境中尘埃颗粒的大小和空间分布与当地时间和月球相对于地球磁层的位置的关系图来表征月球外层尘埃的变化性。 LDEX评估了两种竞争性粉尘源的相对贡献:(a)由于行星际微流星体不断轰击月球,产生了喷出物;(b)由于等离子体感应的近地表电,小颗粒从月球膨出领域。



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