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The induced magnetospheres of mars, venus, and titan




This article summarizes and aims at comparing the main features of the induced magnetospheres of Mars, Venus and Titan. All three objects form a well-defined induced magnetosphere (IM) and magnetotail as a consequence of the interaction of an external wind of plasma with the ionosphere and the exosphere of these objects. In all three, photoionization seems to be the most important ionization process. In all three, the IM displays a clear outer boundary characterized by an enhancement of magnetic field draping and massloading, along with a change in the plasma composition, a decrease in the plasma temperature, a deflection of the external flow, and, at least for Mars and Titan, an increase of the total density. Also, their magnetotail geometries follow the orientation of the upstream magnetic field and flow velocity under quasi-steady conditions. Exceptions to this are fossil fields observed at Titan and the near Mars regions where crustal fields dominate the magnetic topology. Magnetotails also concentrate the escaping plasma flux from these three objects and similar acceleration mechanisms are thought to be at work. In the case of Mars and Titan, global reconfiguration of the magnetic field topology (reconnection with the crustal sources and exits into Saturn's magnetosheath, respectively) may lead to important losses of plasma. Finally, an ionospheric boundary related to local photoelectron signals may be, in the absence of other sources of pressure (crustal fields) a signature of the ultimate boundary to the external flow.



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