首页> 外文期刊>Southern Journal of Applied Forestry >Sixty Years of Management on a Small Longleaf Pine Forest

Sixty Years of Management on a Small Longleaf Pine Forest


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In 1948, the US Forest Service set aside a 40-ac tract on the Escambia Experimental Forest in South Alabama to demonstrate longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) management for the small landowner. At that time, the management goal for this "Farm 40" was to produce high-quality poles and logs on a 60-year rotation. The goal was to be accomplished entirely through management of the existing natural forest, with little to no capital investment other than the cost for prescribed burning, marking trees for cut, and limited control of cull hardwoods. Management of the forest has continued making the Farm 40 an excellent demonstration of small-scale longleaf pine management. Frequent harvests and small capital outlay continues to make this type of management strategy especially appealing to today's landowners with limited resources.
机译:1948年,美国森林服务局在阿拉巴马州南部的埃斯坎比亚实验林区划出了40英亩的土地,以示范对小地主的长叶松木(Pinus palustris Mill。)的管理。当时,“ Farm 40”的管理目标是生产高品质的电线杆并进行60年轮换。该目标将完全通过对现有天然林的管理来实现,除了规定的焚烧成本,砍伐树木的标记以及对硬木的有限控制之外,几乎没有资本投资。森林管理继续使40号农场成为小型长叶松树管理的绝佳典范。频繁的收割和少量的资本支出继续使这种管理策略特别吸引当今资源有限的土地所有者。



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