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Stimulus Package Expected to Ease Congestion and Create Jobs


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On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law a 787 billion dollars spending bill designed to provide a stimulus to the nation's economy in wake of one of the country's worst economic downturns. Enacted by Congress, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes federal tax cuts, expansion of unemployment benefits and other social welfare provisions, along with domestic spending in education, health care, energy and infrastructure. Stimulus funds to Arizona could not come at a better time. In order to balance the State budget, Legislature had cut millions of dollars in freeway funding. The new Stimulus Package is expected to bring jobs and congestion relief to Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County.
机译:2009年2月17日,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)签署了一项7870亿美元的支出法案,旨在刺激该国经济下滑,这是该国最严重的经济衰退之一。由国会颁布的《美国复苏和再投资法》包括联邦减税,扩大失业救济金和其他社会福利规定,以及在教育,医疗,能源和基础设施方面的国内支出。刺激资金到亚利桑那州再合适不过了。为了平衡国家预算,立法机关削减了数百万美元的高速公路资金。新的刺激计划有望为亚利桑那州带来就业和交通拥堵,特别是在马里科帕县。



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