首页> 外文期刊>Southern forests: a Journal of forest science >Association of the pitch canker pathogen Fusarium circinatum with grass hosts in commercial pine production areas of South Africa

Association of the pitch canker pathogen Fusarium circinatum with grass hosts in commercial pine production areas of South Africa


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The pitch canker pathogen, Fusarium circinatum, has major impacts on production in pine nurseries and plantations in South Africa. Thus far, efforts to reduce local spread have focused on rouging of infected pines and sanitation to eliminate local sources of inoculum. Although the host range of F. circinatum was thought to be limited to pines and Douglas-fir, recent studies in California indicate that this fungus is capable of infecting grasses as a symptomless endophyte. Consequently, it is possible that grasses represent a reservoir of inoculum that influences the occurrence of disease in South African pine nurseries and plantations. The objectives of this study were to survey a wide range of grass species in both nurseries and plantations in South Africa for the presence of F. circinatum. In all, 22 species of grass were sampled at a nursery in Mpumulanga and in a plantation on the Western Cape. Isolates obtained from grasses were identified based on morphological criteria and DNA sequence data. Fusarium circinatum was recovered from vegetative tissues of four grass species including Briza maxima, Ehrharta erecta var. erecta, Pentameris pallida and one species that could not be identified. All isolates were pathogenic to pines and comparable in virulence to a known F. circinatum isolate that was included as a positive control. These studies indicate that grasses may constitute inoculum reservoirs that could facilitate persistence and dissemination of the pathogen in nurseries, and provide a means for the pathogen to move between widely separated pine stands, where grass hosts occur in intervening areas.
机译:沥青溃疡病病原体镰刀菌(Fusarium circinatum)对南非松树苗圃和人工林的生产有重大影响。迄今为止,减少本地传播的努力集中在对被感染的松树进行整齐,并进行卫生以消除本地接种物。尽管人们认为圆环镰刀菌的寄主范围仅限于松树和花旗松,但加利福尼亚的最新研究表明,这种真菌能够感染无症状内生菌的草。因此,草可能是影响南非松树苗圃和人工林中病害发生的接种物库。这项研究的目的是调查南非苗圃和人工林中广泛的草种是否存在圆环镰刀菌。在姆普穆兰加的一个苗圃和西开普省的一个种植园中,总共采样了22种草。基于形态学标准和DNA序列数据鉴定从草获得的分离物。圆形镰刀菌是从4种草的营养组织中回收的,这些草包括最大的Briza,Ehrharta erecta var。 erecta,Pentameris pallida和一种无法鉴定的物种。所有分离株对松树均具有致病性,并且毒力可与已知的作为阳性对照的圆环镰孢分离株相比。这些研究表明,草可能是接种物的贮藏库,可以促进病原体在苗圃中的持久性和传播,并为病原体在广泛分开的松树林间移动提供了一种手段,松树的生根在中间。



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