首页> 外文期刊>Soil Survey Horizons >Sodium Accumulation in Sparsely Vegetated Areas of Native Grassland in Kansas: A Potential Need for a Paranatric Diagnostic Horizon

Sodium Accumulation in Sparsely Vegetated Areas of Native Grassland in Kansas: A Potential Need for a Paranatric Diagnostic Horizon


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Small areas (usually =10 by 10 m in diameter) of short, sparse, or low-quality range-land vegetation are commonly present within the map units of soil series mapped on upland interfluves or in upland depressions of the Bluestem Hills Major Land Resource Area (MLRA 76). Because of the poor vegetation, soil scientists commonly assumed that these areas result from Na~+, so they were mapped as Natrustolls. But, upon laboratory characterization, few pedons met the natric diagnostic horizon criteria. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to examine the morphology and Na~+ content of several small areas of sparse, poor vegetation in native grass uplands of the Bluestem Hills Major Land Resource Area to determine if these areas meet the natric diagnostic horizon criteria and examine profile or landscape features that would make detecting the presence of a natric diagnostic horizon more predictable. Eleven pedons were investigated, sampled, and characterized in the laboratory for particle size, exchangeable Na~+ percentage (ESP), and other characteristics. Two of the 11 pedons met the natric diagnostic horizon criteria, and greater maximum profile ESP values were observed within the shallowest pedons (i.e., those < 1 m to bedrock; Pr > F 0.2533). Elevated ESP values ranging from = 5 to 14% ESP were observed for eight of the other nine pedons. The ESP values were greatest in the horizons with the finest textures. The presence of short, sparse, poor-quality rangeland does not appear to be an appropriate visual cue for mapping soils that contain natric horizons but is an indicator of elevated ESP levels. Therefore, creation of either a paranatric diagnostic horizon or a Natric Argiustolls subgroup for soils with moderate levels of Na~+ might be a suitable solution useful for soil scientists in the field.
机译:在Bluestem Hills主要土地资源的高地杂草丛生或高地洼地上绘制的土壤系列的地图单元中,通常会出现短,稀疏或低质量的小范围(稀疏或低质量)草地植被(通常直径为10×10 m)区域(MLRA 76)。由于植被贫瘠,土壤科学家通常认为这些区域是Na〜+产生的,因此将它们映射为Natrustolls。但是,根据实验室特征,很少有脚手架能够满足自然诊断水平的标准。因此,本研究的目的是检查Bluestem Hills主要土地资源区的原生草高地上几个稀疏,植被差的小区域的形态和Na〜+含量,以确定这些区域是否符合自然诊断水平标准和检查可以使检测自然诊断视野更容易预测的轮廓或景观特征。在实验室中对11个脚踏板进行了研究,采样和表征,以了解其粒径,可交换Na +百分比(ESP)和其他特征。 11个脚架中有2个满足自然诊断水平标准,并且在最浅的脚架(即距基岩<1 m的那些; Pr> F 0.2533的那些)中观察到更大的最大轮廓ESP值。对于其他9个脚架中的8个,观察到的ESP值升高,范围为= 5至14%ESP。具有最佳纹理的ESP值在地平线上最大。短而稀疏,质量差的牧场的存在似乎不是绘制包含自然界的土壤的合适视觉提示,但可以指示ESP水平升高。因此,为Na〜+水平适中的土壤建立旁观诊断层或Natric Argiustolls亚组可能是适用于该领域土壤科学家的合适解决方案。



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