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The Art and Science of Soil-Landscape Block Diagrams: Examples of One Picture Being Worth More Than 1000 Words


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Art has long been a necessary part of science, especially before the photographic era of the last 150 years. Famous historical examples of scientists that used art to represent their science are Leonardo DaVinci, Galileo, James John Audubon, and Charles Darwin, to name a few. Diagrams of soils have been and are still used to illustrate concepts of soil relationships, water movement, and geomorphology (Peterson, 1981; Hole and Campbell, 1985; Wysocki et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2005). The "heyday" of the use of block diagrams in soil surveys appears to be in the 1950s and 1960s. The two objectives of this article are to provide examples of line art, both landscapes and profiles, from soil surveys of the 20th century and to demonstrate that soil-landscape diagrams and soil-landscape models are a timeless, central component of soil survey and soil science.
机译:长期以来,艺术一直是科学的必要组成部分,尤其是在过去150年的摄影时代之前。用艺术来代表科学的科学家的著名历史例子有莱昂纳多·达芬奇,伽利略,詹姆斯·约翰·奥杜邦和查尔斯·达尔文,仅举几例。土壤图已经并且现在仍用于说明土壤关系,水运动和地貌的概念(Peterson,1981; Hole和Campbell,1985; Wysocki等,2005; Lin等,2005)。在土壤调查中使用框图的“全盛时期”似乎是在1950年代和1960年代。本文的两个目标是提供20世纪土壤调查中的线条艺术(包括景观和轮廓)的示例,并证明土壤-景观图和土壤-景观模型是土壤调查和土壤中永恒的,核心的组成部分。科学。



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