首页> 外文期刊>Soil Science and Plant Nutrition >Methanogenic archaeal communities developed in paddy fields in the Kojima Bay polder, estimated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, real-time PCR and sequencing analyses

Methanogenic archaeal communities developed in paddy fields in the Kojima Bay polder, estimated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, real-time PCR and sequencing analyses


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Methanogenic archaeal communities inhabiting the paddy field soils in the Kojima Bay polder were investigated using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), real-time PCR and sequencing analyses. Soil samples of the plow and subsoil layers were collected in 2006 from four paddy fields that were reclaimed between 1692 and 1954. The DGGE band patterns of the targeted 16S rRNA genes amplified from the extracted DNA from the samples were different from the patterns from the paddy field soils in diluvial and alluvial areas. The numbers of targeted 16S rRNA genes, which were involved with methanogenic archaeal and other archaeal sequences, were approximately 10(7)-10(8) and 10(6) g(-1) dry soil in the plow and subsoil layers, respectively. Sequences of methanogenic archaeal 16S rRNA genes belonging to Methanocellales (Rice cluster I), Methanosarcinales and Methanobacteriales were obtained from the major DGGE bands. Whereas sequences in Methanomicrobiales, which were predominant methanogens in the diluvial and alluvial paddy fields, were not recovered. Known halophilic and methylotrophic methanogens, which are characteristic of saline and marine environments, were not detected. These results indicate that distinctive methanogenic archaeal communities have developed in the paddy field soils in the Kojima Bay polder.
机译:利用聚合酶链反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE),实时荧光定量PCR和测序分析研究了小岛湾田地稻田土壤中产甲烷的古细菌群落。 2006年从1692年至1954年开垦的四个稻田中收集了耕层和地下土壤的土壤样品。从样品中提取的DNA扩增的靶向16S rRNA基因的DGGE带模式与稻田的模式不同。冲积和冲积区的田间土壤。涉及产甲烷的古细菌和其他古细菌序列的靶向16S rRNA基因的数量分别约为犁地和下层土壤中的10(7)-10(8)和10(6)g(-1)干燥土壤。 。从主要的DGGE条带获得了属于产甲烷球菌(水稻簇I),产甲烷球菌和甲烷菌的产甲烷古细菌16S rRNA基因的序列。而在淡水和冲积稻田中主要是产甲烷菌的甲烷微菌中的序列没有被回收。没有发现盐和海洋环境的特征,即已知的嗜盐和甲基营养的产甲烷菌。这些结果表明,在小岛湾田的稻田土壤中形成了独特的产甲烷古菌群落。



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