首页> 外文期刊>Soil Survey Horizons >Petrocalcic Horizon Format on and Prehistoric Peope's Effect on Everglades Tree Island Soils, Forida

Petrocalcic Horizon Format on and Prehistoric Peope's Effect on Everglades Tree Island Soils, Forida


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The origin and properties of fixed tree islands (tree stands growing amid wetland sloughs and rush/sedge waterways as seen in Fig. 1) in the Florida Everglades have been extensively studied (Komar, 1983; Sklarand van der Valk, 2002; USGS, 2003; Schwadron, 2006). However, their origin, vegetation, habitation, and hydrology have only been partially documented, and opinions still vary as to their age and method of formation (Sklar and van der Valk, 2002; Bazante et al., 2006). Many of the tree islands have been lost since the 1940s as a result of poor water management (compartmentalization and reduced water flow and velocity), burning, looting, and building activities (Willard, 2003 OR USGS 2003--SEE QUERY IN REF SECTION). Brandt et al. (2000) also reported that tree islands have decreased in size, and that the overall area of tree islands decreased between 1950 and 1991. A more complete understanding of tree island formation and the influences exerted by past and present humans on their properties is needed to aid in current restoration efforts.
机译:佛罗里达大沼泽地的固定树岛(在湿地泥泞和急流/莎草河道中生长的林分树)的起源和特性已经得到了广泛的研究(Komar,1983; Sklarand van der Valk,2002; USGS,2003)。 ; Schwadron,2006)。但是,它们的起源,植被,栖息地和水文学仅得到了部分记录,关于它们的年龄和形成方法仍存在意见分歧(Sklar和van der Valk,2002; Bazante等,2006)。自1940年代以来,由于水管理不善(分隔室化和水流量和流速降低),燃烧,抢劫和建筑活动,许多树木岛已经丢失(Willard,2003年或USGS 2003年-请参阅参考资料) 。布兰特等。 (2000年)还报告说,树木岛的大小有所减小,并且树木岛的总面积在1950年至1991年之间有所减少。协助当前的恢复工作。



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