首页> 外文期刊>Soil Research >Using genetic programming to transform from Australian to USDA/FAO soil particle-size classification system.

Using genetic programming to transform from Australian to USDA/FAO soil particle-size classification system.

机译:使用遗传编程将澳大利亚的土壤分类系统转换为USDA / FAO。

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The difference between the International (adopted by Australia) and the USDA/FAO particle-size classification systems is the limit between silt and sand fractions (20 micro m for the International and 50 micro m for the USDA/FAO). In order to work with pedotransfer functions generated under the USDA/FAO system with Australian soil survey data, a conversion should be attempted. The aim of this work is to improve prior models using larger datasets and a genetic programming technique, in the form of a symbolic regression. The 2-50 micro m fraction was predicted using a USDA dataset which included both particle-size classification systems. The presented model reduced the root mean square error (%) by 14.96 and 23.62% (IGBP-DIS dataset and Australian dataset, respectively), compared with the previous model.
机译:国际(由澳大利亚采用)和USDA / FAO粒度分级系统之间的差异是粉砂和沙粒含量之间的限制(国际上为20微米,而美国农业部/粮农组织为50微米)。为了将USDA / FAO系统生成的pedotransfer函数与澳大利亚土壤调查数据一起使用,应尝试进行转换。这项工作的目的是使用符号回归的形式使用较大的数据集和遗传编程技术来改进现有模型。使用USDA数据集可预测2-50微米的分数,该数据集包括两个粒度分类系统。与以前的模型相比,该模型将均方根误差(%)降低了14.96和23.62%(分别为IGBP-DIS数据集和Australian数据集)。



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