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Sediment Transport and Soil Detachment on Steep Slopes. II. Sediment Feedback Relationship


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Quantifying the effect of sediment load on the detachment rate is crucial to understand soil erosion processes and develop physically based soil erosion models. Many recent studies attempted to quantify the feedback relationship between sediment load and detachment rate. To date, however, the effects of sediment load on detachment rate are still unclear. The objectives of this study were to examine the potential effects of sediment load on detachment rates and to examine the widely assumed linear relationship between sediment load and detachment rate in rills under controlled conditions. Experiments were performed in a hydraulic flume with constant roughness. Slope gradient (S) varied from 8.8 to 46.6% and unit flow rate (q) from 1.25 to 5.00 x 10(-3) m2 s-1. Detachment rates were measured under different sediment loads, which were 0 (clear water), 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the sediment transport capacity (T(c)) for 20 combinations of q and S. Results showed that detachment rates decreased as sediment load increased. Discrepancies in declining patterns of detachment rates were observed. Regression results indicated that 16 combinations of q and S were best simulated by linear feedback relationships, while four combinations were best fitted to exponential functions. Both predicted detachment capacity (D(c)) and T(c) by linear relationships agreed well with the corresponding measured values (R2 = 0.99, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency [NSE] = 0.97 for D(c); R2 = 0.99, NSE = 0.98 for T(c)). The predicted detachment rate by a first-order coupling equation agreed with the measured data (R2 = 0.94, NSE 0.92). Overall, the feedback relationship between sediment load and detachment rate in this flume study could be adequately represented by the first-order coupling equation.
机译:量化泥沙负荷对脱离速率的影响对于了解土壤侵蚀过程和开发基于物理的土壤侵蚀模型至关重要。最近的许多研究试图量化沉积物负荷与脱离速率之间的反馈关系。然而,到目前为止,尚不清楚沉积物负荷对脱离速率的影响。这项研究的目的是研究泥沙负荷对离体率的潜在影响,并检验在受控条件下小河中泥沙负荷与离体率之间的广泛线性关系。实验是在具有恒定粗糙度的液压水槽中进行的。斜率(S)从8.8到46.6%不等,单位流量(q)从1.25到5.00 x 10(-3)m2 s-1。在20种q和S组合下,不同沉积物负荷下的分离率分别为0(净水),25、50、75和100%的沉积物传输能力(T(c))。结果表明,分离率随着泥沙量的增加而减少。观察到分离率下降模式的差异。回归结果表明,通过线性反馈关系可以最好地模拟q和S的16种组合,而对于指数函数则最好地拟合4种组合。通过线性关系预测的分离能力(D(c))和T(c)与相应的测量值(R2 = 0.99,Nash-Sutcliffe效率[NSE] = 0.97,对于D(c); R2 = 0.99,NSE对于T(c)= 0.98)。通过一阶耦合方程预测的分离速率与测量数据一致(R2 = 0.94,NSE 0.92)。总体而言,在该水槽研究中,沉积物负荷与脱离速率之间的反馈关系可以由一阶耦合方程充分表示。



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