首页> 外文期刊>Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere: The Journal of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life >Error-reducing Structure of the Genetic Code Indicates Code Origin in Non-thermophile Organisms

Error-reducing Structure of the Genetic Code Indicates Code Origin in Non-thermophile Organisms


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During the RNA World, organisms experienced high rates of genetic errors, which implies that there was strong evolutionary pressure to reduce the errors’ phenotypical impact by suitably structuring the still-evolving genetic code. Therefore, the relative rates of the various types of genetic errors should have left characteristic imprints in the structure of the genetic code. Here, we show that, therefore, it is possible to some extent to reconstruct those error rates, as well as the nucleotide frequencies, for the time when the code was fixed. We find evidence indicating that the frequencies of G and C in the genome were not elevated. Since, for thermodynamic reasons, RNA in thermophiles tends to possess elevated G+C content, this result indicates that the fixation of the genetic code occurred in organisms which were either not thermophiles or that the code’s fixation occurred after the rise of DNA.
机译:在RNA世界期间,生物体经历了很高的遗传错误率,这意味着通过适当地构建仍在不断发展的遗传密码来降低错误的表型影响的强大进化压力。因此,各种类型的遗传错误的相对发生率应该在遗传密码的结构中留下特征性的烙印。因此,在这里,我们表明,在固定代码时,可以在一定程度上重建那些错误率以及核苷酸频率。我们发现证据表明基因组中G和C的频率没有升高。由于出于热力学原因,嗜热菌中的RNA倾向于具有升高的G + C含量,因此该结果表明,遗传密码的固定发生在不是嗜热菌的生物中,或者密码的固定发生在DNA升高后。



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