首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Botany >Cheiridopsis alba-oculata (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae, Ruschieae) - A new quartz-endemic from southern Namaqualand, South Africa

Cheiridopsis alba-oculata (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae, Ruschieae) - A new quartz-endemic from southern Namaqualand, South Africa

机译:Cheiridopsis alba-oculata(菊科:Ruschioideae,Ruschieae)-来自南非纳马夸兰南部的一种新的石英特有种

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Cheiridopsis alba-oculata Klak & N.A. Helme is a new species known from two populations in the Garies region of southern Namaqualand, where it appears to be restricted to patches of quartz-gravel. The species belongs to the Cheiridopsis-Odontophorus alliance because of its papillate leaves and the 9- or 10-locular fruits with large closing bodies. The isophylly and globose fruits with raised tops suggest that it is closely related to C. subg. Odontophoroides and Odontophorus. C alba-oculata is geographically isolated in this group, whose other members are restricted to northern Namaqualand. C. alba-oculata resembles Cheiridopsis ponderosa and Cheiridopsis pilosula in its densely papillate leaves but is distinguished from them by its strongly keeled, apically toothed leaves. (C) 2014 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:拟南芥(Cheiridopsis alba-oculata Klak&N.A. Helme)是一个新物种,在南纳马夸兰(Namaqualand)南部加里斯(Garies)地区的两个种群中都广为人知,那里似乎仅限于石英砾石片。该物种由于其乳头状的叶子和具大型闭合体的9或10叶的果实而属于Cheiridopsis-Odontophorus联盟。具有顶部凸起的等叶和球形的果实表明它与C.subg密切相关。 Odontophoroides和Odontophorus。 C alba-oculata在地理上被隔离在这一组中,其其他成员仅限于北纳马夸兰省。 C. alba-oculata在其密集的乳头状叶片中类似于黄褐色的斜纹夜蛾和毛状的斜纹夜蛾,但它们的特征是其龙骨状,顶端齿状的叶片与它们不同。 (C)2014萨博。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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