首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Particle Size and Bait Preference of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Particle Size and Bait Preference of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

机译:红色输入火蚂蚁,Sinoenopsis invicta(膜翅目:For科)的粒度和诱饵偏好

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One of the most effective methods for achieving control of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren is through the application of broadcast baits. Multiple factors contribute to bait efficacy, one of which is particle size. Bait mass removed,the number of particles removed, and the number of ants present at dishes containing bait of a specific particle size were recorded and used to determine bait and particle size preference of foraging S. invicta. Additionally, head capsule widths of foraging ants were measured and compared to particle size removed. The mean mass of bait removed by foraging ants was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for 1400-2000 um particles of Select Granular Ant Bait (SGA), but more total particles of bait <710 um wereremoved. The mean mass of Advance Carpenter Ant Scatter Bait (CAS) removed was significantly less for particles <710 um, while foragers removed more 710-1000 um particles. Significantly more ants were present at SGA particles 1400-2000 um while ant counts on CAS were significantly lower for 710-1000 um particles. Mean head capsule width of foraging ants returning with SGA 1400-2000 um particles were significantly wider than those returning with <710 um particles. For CAS, mean head capsule width of ants returning with 1400-2000 um particles were significantly wider than those returning with <710 um or 710-1000 um particles. Implications for control of S. invicta populations are discussed.
机译:防治红色进口火蚁的最有效方法之一,就是通过广播诱饵的应用来防治黑腹蚁。诱饵功效有多种因素,其中之一就是粒径。记录去除诱饵的质量,除去的颗粒的数量以及在含有特定粒度诱饵的碟子上存在的蚂蚁的数量,并用于确定诱饵和食虫链球菌的诱饵和粒度偏好。另外,测量了觅食蚂蚁的头囊宽度,并将其与去除的粒度进行比较。对于1400-2000微米的精选颗粒蚂蚁诱饵(SGA)颗粒,通过觅食蚂蚁去除的诱饵的平均质量显着更高(P <0.05),但是去除了总的<710 um的诱饵颗粒。对于<710 um的颗粒,去除的高级木匠蚂蚁散射诱饵(CAS)的平均质量显着降低,而觅食者去除了更多的710-1000 um颗粒。在1400-2000 um的SGA颗粒中,明显存在更多的蚂蚁,而在710-1000 um的颗粒上,CAS上的蚂蚁数量显着降低。 SGA 1400-2000 um颗粒返回的觅食蚂蚁的平均头囊宽度显着大于<710 um颗粒返回的觅食蚂蚁。对于CAS,返回1400-2000 um颗粒的蚂蚁的平均头囊宽度比返回<710 um或710-1000 um的蚂蚁的平均头囊宽度要宽得多。讨论了控制S. invicta种群的意义。



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